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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by SquishMitten

  1. Sing the prompt
  2. These shitty teams better not make me have to switch to the ESPN app to watch kickoff That’ll do! Replies got merged Got damnit. I hate this feature
  3. Hilarious. But why show a trick play in a blowout?
  4. Maybe it was your username that tipped em off
  5. About .2” in the rain gauge. Wouldn’t normally count that as anything, but today was our watering day so it’s a nice little bonus!
  6. Get an attorney by your side ASAP
  7. “See how ‘loyal’ I am to you guys here”
  8. I’m not going to say anything about Quinn yet, but I could punt farther than that when I was 12
  9. But that's not what that article says. It certainly isn't sending us back to the stone age like the dumbass keeps saying. The only doomsday aspect mentioned in the article is a "superflare" which it describes as an event that's 1000 times greater than a Carrington Event.
  10. Cat - 55.4% - Ugh, yeah. Duh. Sheep - 35% - Done it before Dog - 32.8% - Depends on the breed Possum - 25.4% - I'd probably come out with some nasty cuts and infections, but yeah Raccoon - 24.9% - Done it before Crane - 16.9% - My initial thought was yeah, but after some research I'm not sure. Appears that alligators don't fuck with them, so maybe not. Eagle - 14.7% - The W probably goes to whichever one of us gets in the first clean shot. I think I could "win" but I might bleed out shortly afterwards. Coyote - 14.7% - Yeah Antelope - 10.2% - Maybe if I was able to sweep the legs during it's initial charge then get on top quickly...but probably not Kangaroo - 9.6% - No way Bear - 5.6% - Of course not Manatee - 4.5% - I wouldn't even know where to begin, so I'm gonna say this is a definite no Alligator 4.5% - Of course not Moose 4.5% - Lol. No Elk 2.3% - Nope None of the Above - 19.2% - Lol. Pussies
  11. Doing their part to drain the reservoir for flood water intake. Duh
  12. I’m not an expert, but I think wind tends to be more of a horizontal force. I don’t believe it exerts a strong force downward like water would.
  13. I don’t like anything about the way this was phrased
  14. Y’all have a beach house? Or are you talking about your primary home? I recall you being on a really high cliff … unless it just looked that way because the lake was so low when I was there?
  15. The “looting” is more likely to be done by the wind and ocean than some enterprising local. That excuse always confuses me though. I’m fully confident I could get everything I deem irreplaceable packed up into our cars within a couple hours. Everything else is just stuff. As I’m writing this, I’m looking around and wondering what somebody would actually steal. Presumably the TVs, computer monitors, and power tools, but beyond that, everything valuable is so bulky I can’t imagine someone going through the hassle.
  16. Somebody should tell that to the pigs on my property. They didn’t get that memo
  17. Fun fact, you can turn wine into water by drinking it and then peeing into a filtration device.
  18. Online grocery order has easily been the best part of the pandemic. I let her add all the organic shit to the order, then when I do my final review before submitting, I switch ALL of it to the regular version. Saves $50+ per week, and she thinks everything is organic. Win-win. Also, the real mistake you made here was not just saying "yeah, of course I bought organic grapes."
  19. It's shocking how often I see the same thing in court. Albeit, I only deal in financial matters, not jail time, but it's like: "dude, the judge will soon be deciding how much you owe my client...please, continue."
  20. Yeah, hard pass on someone filling my IV bag from the kitchen sink.
  21. When did we become the Texas Long Horns? Also, that orange is suspect ETA picture for those that don’t have twitter
  22. Guess I never knew males and females of wild species had rivalries. The more you know!
  23. There’s an entire pallet of Charmin in that picture.
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