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Everything posted by Mango4

  1. Mango4

    Shit My Kid Says

    Conversation with Mango Jr yesterday. "Mango Jr, we should make cookies tomorrow to leave out for Santa" "No, Santa told me he wants me to leave out a piece of pepperoni pizza because he gets tired of cookies." Just need him to leave a beer out too and we’d be in business.
  2. It’s better than I expected. I’m a little sad.
  3. Just saw that for the first time, what a shitty commercial
  4. How the fuck does he not know who McGurk is?
  5. So like everything he does? Got it
  6. I know this. And yet, it still pisses me off.
  7. I know this has been brought up here before but what it is it about women that makes them not able to pump gas? Just got in my wife's car and the needle barely moved when I started it. I know she drove by at least 3 gas stations early today when she was out running errands with the kids but couldn't manage to stop and put gas in.
  8. Was surprised by Shiner’s S’mores Brown Ale. It shouldn’t work but somehow it does. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Would like to see more of tits Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. You know people shared it because $ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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