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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by PhillyD

  1. I was probably a teenager when I figured it out. My mom had shortened it to "Chester." I thought the name for that piece of furniture was a chester. When I figured out it was a chest of drawers, I likely thought people who called it that were hoity-toity.
  2. From the comments https://twitter.com/ShockPop1/status/1478896160588898306?t=6NC0XAPOmyVhVptYaFuouQ&s=19
  3. Wordle 201 2/6 ⬛🟨⬛🟩🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Guess that's good.
  4. Did you get my pm? I never got the sheet
  5. PhillyD

    2022 Drunk Thread

    I admire your dedication. Cheers to 2022!
  6. But Dan Reeves doesn't wear a scowl and is therefore not intense. (says the casual football fan who doesn't know shit about football - sensitive subject with me)
  7. I don't really give a damn about the Pro Football Hall of Fame, but I just assumed Dan Reeves would be in it. Looked it up and apparently he is not. That's a Got Damn travesty.
  8. This isn't the old Shaggy game where you could play for free. You're expected to pay here
  9. Sine we're off topic and into the weeds, it's my opinion that Nebraska's fall in baseball is the loss of Van Horn. I can't speak at all about their other sports and affect of conference affiliation.
  10. Funny you mentioned that. I was worried about her not coming back and then we looked so dominant in Big 12 play I had a false sense of how good we were.
  11. We beat ourselves. I feel much differently about the result last year compared to this year. I thought we were better but was clearly wrong.
  12. PhillyD

    2021 Drunk Thread

    I'm in. Has day full of it too. Was just expecting a win
  13. PhillyD

    2021 Drunk Thread

    Invested in volleyball at the moment but it's not going well.
  14. Horrible timing for an overpass
  15. You have said this every year and you're correct.
  16. Hell yes! I couldn't tune in until the third set and thought we were done. Great turnaround!
  17. This woman continues to dumbfound me. I laughed at that video because she is so fucking stupid. I think after a certain age, some people are so stupid they cant learn. Jenna must be one of these people, so I'm just going to laugh at her.
  18. This will do what you want. EHEIM Everyday Fish Feeder Programmable Automatic0;Food Dispenser https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001F2117I/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_GXGY9YFHA6C8HFAYMTVW?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
  19. Bumping this for any of you rules nerds. Is like to know the answer to this.
  20. Because it's close by, I've been to every Texas visit to Morgantown since they joined the Big XII. I've seen Mack, Charlie 2x Herman, and tomorrow will be Sark. If this weren't our last visit, I'd say it's likely the next visit would have featured another coach. Always a fun visit. But, on this visit, I've found the perfect embodiment of the Mountaineer fan.
  21. It was dying a slow death when EBay got it and accelerated when they killed the Casual Encounters section.
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