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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by PhillyD

  1. Any idea what ReasonaBull is worth? If others are interested in selling their portions of Reasonable and Red Bull, there may be some of us who would buy out what you've paid and making the pool of people involved smaller. I'm in favor of holding these two horses for now.
  2. I live in DC, so unfortunately I'm exposed to this race. I don't do much cloak room so my take on this could be terrible. Having said that, I don't know who the fuck is running McAullife's campaign, but it seems like they suck. Youngkin runs mostly positive feel good ads and he has steered clear of anything Trumpian. The McAullife ads never say what McAullife's vision is and only try to scream Youngkin=Trump. Youngkin does not come off as Trump like in any way. They should attack a different way. Back in March or April, I wondered why Republicans were even trying because I didn't think they had a chance. McAullife probably wins, but his campaign is awful and he really fucked up in the debate where he said something like he didn't want parents involved in school decisions. Youngkin's campaign has used that sound bite masterfully and, if he wins, that will be a big reason.
  3. Kaleidoscope was the word she was looking for. She was close to speaking in Trixie and I've learned to translate.
  4. that was a hell of a lucky play for that first down
  5. Damn, the Pac 12 can't take Okie State. If they did, Okie State would win the conference every year.
  6. Beth Mowins is no less grating on Friday night after dark than she was on Saturday afternoons. I'd prefer her go back to Saturday afternoons, she usually only did games where there were alternatives.
  7. I'm a pretty even person emotionally. Don't get riled up about too much about anything and give most everyone the benefit of the doubt. I watched this and re-lived that season all over again. Learning these two pieces of shit still are employed as referees at any level pisses me off with the irrational rage. I wanted Strong to succeed badly but I was pissed he didn't get two more penalties after he was bumped. He got fucking hosed and I would have been ok if he would have knocked Deterding the fuck out after he threw that flag. That doesn't change the fact he was the worst coach in history of Texas football but if he had hit Deterding, he was justified. Didn't realize he was on the crew of the TCU game and now that I know, I'm pissed off all over again. Eck and Deterling shouldn't be in allowed within a 1000 yards of a football field by restraining order and Walt Anderson is an infected puss filled pussy for defending that crew. Two games in my lifetime I can definitely say were losses caused by officials. 2015 Okie State and 1992 Baylor.
  8. Texas will kick ass While they choke on dicks and meth All the live long day.
  9. If I open a bag or a container of damn near any kind of chip, I have no discipline to stop until it's empty. It doesn't matter if I am full. My work around is small containers. For whatever reason, if it's a new container, I don't open it. I buy the snack packs at Costco.
  10. Vacuum sealer is the right answer. Pair it with a sous vide and you can save a ton of good meals. Smoke a brisket. After you're full, slice what you didn't eat, seal and freeze in small batches. You'll lose the crispy bark but all of the flavor is there when you sous vide. I also seal batches of gumbo and chili. Really easy to heat up with the sous vide and serve on your schedule. I would guess between a third and half our meals during the week are sous vide reheats.
  11. I can't count the number of people who have changed their mind after we offered and they accepted. I can't remember any of them. They probably won't remember you either.
  12. Is it steel shank approved to eat directly from the tupperware instead of the transfer to a paper plate?
  13. The prediction contest has really gone to shit the last couple of seasons
  14. I may have to watch a few replays of that one to figure out why the winner looked like it was shot out of a cannon.
  15. I'm sure this test isn't perfect but it did answer something I had been questioning about myself. Have my politics changed or have the political parties changed? I know it's a combination of both but the test confirmed my politics haven't changed much but the political parties have. For the record, my dot was really close to the Anastasis dot on the x axis but a bit lower on the y axis.
  16. PhillyD

    2021 Drunk Thread

    I did my best but they couldn't serve me fast enough. Sobered up by the time the flight landed.
  17. PhillyD

    2021 Drunk Thread

    I'm buzzed at an airport. I'll be drunk later, god willing, because I missed a flight and waiting on a red eye while the rest of the fam made the original flight. You probably have to be buzzed or drunk to get the laundromat post but I appreciate it so much right now.
  18. I've been in Seattle the last few days. About your mask question, it's been pretty good in most places but a few businesses seem to be starting to require them. You definitely want to keep one in your pocket. I've been wearing shorts all week but I would not have minded having a windbreaker for the nights or especially on the ferry. Aso, thanks to everyone here for some tips. This is my first time here and I've rented a car for the day to do a couple of the hikes suggested. If you're renting a car, I hope you have reservations, that was not a cheap add on.
  19. At freshman summer orientation for fall of 89, we registered for classes on a bubble form. I think when they were full, they just put you in another similar class but apparently you had an advantage if you went to the first orientation, which I did. For spring of 90, we used TEX.
  20. Very disgusting. The people who do this have a lot of talent if they can take someone this stupid and repulsive and make them look caring and responsive. That's a really scary power and watching it happen from afar in this thread has been an eye-opener.
  21. For God's sake man, put the shovel down.
  22. It's been fun. They're hungover and have to start cleaning their mess up.
  23. The level of disgust I have for a dipshit like the one in that Twitter video above is right there with people who said 9/11 was an inside job. I don't know how they find people willing to deny the obvious but clearly it's not that difficult
  24. Took this one with my phone during cicada season
  25. Same situation as both of you except I got $350. Does that qualify as about tree fiddy?
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