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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by PhillyD

  1. Did Knuckles return that with her face? Damn!
  2. PhillyD

    2021 Drunk Thread

    faster drinking has commenced.
  3. PhillyD

    2020 Drunk Thread

    I'm not either. Why do I have to drink so much to get drunk?
  4. When that offense is run well with precision, it's a beautiful thing. It's not bad even when sloppy, but a disciplined high school team running it with precision is fun to watch, as is the triple option. The triple option just demands much more precision.
  5. Here are my thoughts on the Triple Option. The linebackers and safeties are just too fast in today's game and a lot of the B12 teams will stop it BUT it will give them fits and KU will be in most games in the 4th quarter. So, if KU goes that route, they probably become a 5-7 win team versus a 1-2 win team. You upset a Texas or OU once every 8-10 years and aside from those two, you win a game or even 3 you're not supposed to every year. If you understand your ceiling and are ok with that, have at it. If I were a KU fan, I would want to rebuild more like Iowa State who competes at a higher level. It's a tough road, but you can be just as good as anyone else in the Big 12 not named OU or Texas. If OU or Texas is down, you may get in the B12 championship. That may be exciting to you and the average KU fan. For me, I would give competing at a higher level a shot before I conceded to the triple option.
  6. Damn, this guy really fucked around with crazy and is finding out. I ALMOST feel sorry him.
  7. I think it looks like a US Capitol Police car.
  8. I've heard they are finished but are holding back the release while they figure out how to make it maroon.
  9. Definitely uneven distribution. I'm in DC with no health issues and they are saying it will be at least mid April. Wife who has health issues was fully vaccinated in February. I'm waiting my turn but it's annoying hearing people in other states who seem to be able to get a vaccine on demand
  10. Wife to son: How did you do in Biology today? Son: I think I did alright. Wife: I know, it's the vein of your existence. Me: The what of his existence?? Wife: Vein! Is that not right? I was laughing too hard to respond further.
  11. -22 in Lake Louise, Alberta. I was snow skiing and moisture in my eyelashes would freeze inside my goggles. 116 a couple of times in DFW area. The most memorable heat for me was Six Flags a couple of years ago when it was 112 or so. It took me a few days to recover from that. Never again.
  12. This is interesting thought. If I remember correctly, Dodds said the original idea was to create a platform to get more of the tier two sports publicized and he originally approached the A&M AD about doing it together and they declined. He didn't think it would make that much money but ESPN eventually came and threw money bags at us and the Longhorn network came to be. You would think there could have been some happy medium where we forgo some portion of the $20mm and make some content that people may want to watch. Maybe they should consider treating it more as a marketing tool and less like a revenue source. Probably too far down the road now.
  13. Does it give anyone else pause that Randolph Duke is working on a longform piece? Does Surly have the bandwidth?
  14. I'm all in on the Canecutter plan.
  15. Not seeing tweets either. I'm using mobile
  16. I think this is a good idea, but the other side is going to pull out the section where Trump said, "make your voices heard patriotically and peacefully." There are reports that when his aides urged him to make a statement, he initially refused and said something to the effect of, "why should I, nobody said anything during the black lives matter protests?" He finally went out and made a video but he ad-libbed said "you are all very special and we love you." If they could get someone who was in that room to testify against Trump, I think that would help. I wonder if any of the cabinet members who resigned were in the room?
  17. I've heard this 51 votes to bar form office, but I am not seeing it here. U.S. Constitution | Constitution Annotated | Congress.gov | Library of Congress Clearly, in the section on impeachment it takes 2/3 of the Senate. If convicted of insurrection by 2/3, he's guilty of insurrection and the 14th amendment kicks in barring him from future office. If I'm missing it, I would love someone to point me to the document because I don't think they are getting 2/3. Too many Republicans seem to be chicken shit.
  18. So glad we didn't end up in what has become a mess of a conference. Work is cut out for the next commissioner. Canzano: Pac-12 Commissioner Larry Scott is out -- and it’s about time - oregonlive.com
  19. You guys who use the DSLR, do you ever try to use the LCD screen to shoot?
  20. I'm quoting this because it's easy to skip over a lot of this stuff. There is valuable insight in this article.
  21. I can confirm they aren't sisters but must be distant relatives. She is fluent. Over the years, I've just learned to understand and correct as little as possible while hoping she doesn't speak off the cuff too often in social situations.
  22. Too bad you can't see some of the other threads around here. I'm pretty sure he's not jealous. But hey, enjoy the herpes.
  23. Her: This virus is spreading like Wildflower! Me: Like what? Her: Is that not right?
  24. I know you can't customize for every single person, but at the top of the screen (on mobile), the second button from the left goes directly to my activity stream. If we can't have the arrow, could we get a button that goes to my activity stream at the bottom? That's why I liked the arrow so much, it was easy to get back to my stream. Edit:. It appears the bottom button does just that. Apologies, I don't need the arrow.
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