The attitude in Texas must be really different regarding masks. I live in DC and if you go in a grocery store, or Home Depot, or anywhere indoors, you wear a mask and it's no big deal. It's 100% compliance. I don't wear one outside but I'd say a good 30% of the people do. The NextDoor Karen's are demanding the runners wear them (and there is no way in hell I would do that on a run) but I see probably about 10% of the runners on my runs actually wearing them. I've seen one person get upset about being required to wear a mask, but that was weeks ago and he was only upset because he didn't have one and he didn't know the rule. I have yet to see anyone get belligerent about it other than on Twitter or on the news.
Meanwhile, I talked to my parents who live in backwoods rural northeast Texas. They went to church against my wishes but I can't stop them from here. Mom said only about 10 people were wearing masks and I'm guessing there were probably 70 or less in attendance at her church. She said they had seating every other pew, but on those pews, people were shoulder to shoulder. I told her I wished she would wait a few more weeks until she goes again but I'm pretty sure she fears burning in hell for missing so many services. Hell, even my Dad went (he conveniently forgot his mask in the truck). They are also restarting Sunday after service lunches which seems really stupid but northeast TX gonna northeast TX.
She said she does curbside delivery at the grocery store but she sees most people going in without a mask, but the employees are wearing them (probably a corporate policy). I really, really don't understand the big fuss about wearing a mask. It's beyond silly and I don't know what to tell people who think this is a hoax. I will say the people I know who have contracted it had either mild or asymptomatic cases, but 2 people who work with my wife were killed by it and I wouldn't even say those were people with health issues but I don't know them well and can't speak for their health history.
Anyway, that's my anecdotal note for the evening. I see far more people taking it seriously than not taking it seriously, but all of my family in Texas seem to be a lot more antsy, doubtful, and haven't been "touched" by as many cases as I have.