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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by PhillyD

  1. You should have known to check the stirring and measuring drawer. Your fault.
  2. This probably belongs in the dumb question thread, but if you have a Home Equity Loan, can you leave that alone and refinance the lower amount or do you have to pay that off when closing? This question affects me because of the limit on the program.
  3. You should check in with Angry Gorilla. His wife could offer some fantastic suggestions.
  4. The attitude in Texas must be really different regarding masks. I live in DC and if you go in a grocery store, or Home Depot, or anywhere indoors, you wear a mask and it's no big deal. It's 100% compliance. I don't wear one outside but I'd say a good 30% of the people do. The NextDoor Karen's are demanding the runners wear them (and there is no way in hell I would do that on a run) but I see probably about 10% of the runners on my runs actually wearing them. I've seen one person get upset about being required to wear a mask, but that was weeks ago and he was only upset because he didn't have one and he didn't know the rule. I have yet to see anyone get belligerent about it other than on Twitter or on the news. Meanwhile, I talked to my parents who live in backwoods rural northeast Texas. They went to church against my wishes but I can't stop them from here. Mom said only about 10 people were wearing masks and I'm guessing there were probably 70 or less in attendance at her church. She said they had seating every other pew, but on those pews, people were shoulder to shoulder. I told her I wished she would wait a few more weeks until she goes again but I'm pretty sure she fears burning in hell for missing so many services. Hell, even my Dad went (he conveniently forgot his mask in the truck). They are also restarting Sunday after service lunches which seems really stupid but northeast TX gonna northeast TX. She said she does curbside delivery at the grocery store but she sees most people going in without a mask, but the employees are wearing them (probably a corporate policy). I really, really don't understand the big fuss about wearing a mask. It's beyond silly and I don't know what to tell people who think this is a hoax. I will say the people I know who have contracted it had either mild or asymptomatic cases, but 2 people who work with my wife were killed by it and I wouldn't even say those were people with health issues but I don't know them well and can't speak for their health history. Anyway, that's my anecdotal note for the evening. I see far more people taking it seriously than not taking it seriously, but all of my family in Texas seem to be a lot more antsy, doubtful, and haven't been "touched" by as many cases as I have.
  5. This simple approach fails to account for the 8 year old daughter whose Mom works at a nursing home. How do we still take care of the olds without interacting with them?
  6. I'm aware of a case in DC where they were doing major roof repairs on a building. The contractor discovered a nest of some endangered bird and they had to wait until the eggs hatched and the birds safely left before they could resume work. The project was also weather dependent so it caused all sorts of issues for the building. I have a feeling the birdhouse stays until the chicks are gone. That one could be interesting the board were to ask her to pay a fine for each day of the violation.
  7. This is a little CR. I think that there are a few people who are upset that this didn't bring about the "liberal enlightening" that they were hoping for. I hate CR. This virus is not political and I hate the fuckers who try to make it that way. There is a way forward and if the partisans would (or could) set their views aside, we might find our way through and out of a destroyed economy and a health crisis. I have little hope of that because the 15% on both sides can't seem to do that. They would rather point and make fun of the other side.
  8. You still don't say where it is so it's just pointless blathering in addition to self admitted over sensitivity. Tell me where to look if you want to bitch about it.
  9. The solution to that, if your management company will do it, is for the board to adopt a policy that those costs are passed through to the homeowner who left the trash out. The management companies do make money on postage and printing, but that's not where the bread and butter is.
  10. Management companies always get the blame. Some are bad and some are good, but they are rarely the blame. It's usually the board that fucks things up and management companies doing what they are told.
  11. This is the damn truth. I'll take doing the loads of dishes every day over taking out the trash what seems like twice a day. Been tempted to hide the paper plates from the wife and say Costco ran out.
  12. This take is so weak. If Texas were in the PAC 12, the conference would be a drag on recruiting. Same is true of the ACC and Big 10. If we were in the SEC, you'd be complaining that we need to be dirtier. It's just a totally weak take. Texas needs to recruit better and develop better end of story. The Big 12 isn't helping, but it's damn sure not the cause of our suckage.
  13. Since you have the antibodies, does that mean you can use less PPE? Will that save you a ton of time?
  14. I know we will see more stories like this in the coming weeks. Maryland numbers will greatly increase tomorrow and 66 of those are coming from a nursing home in Carroll County, MD. This sucks. Not sure if it is paywalled. https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/maryland-virginia-coronavirus-cases-continue-to-surge/2020/03/28/5980275e-7107-11ea-b148-e4ce3fbd85b5_story.html
  15. From the fluent Trixie speaking wife. I may have a lot more of these since wife is on Zoom a lot now and she feels like she has to yell into the screen so people can hear her on the internet, "Have you ever tried talking to him? You can barely get a word in inchwise!"
  16. repped for bravery. You should keep drinking (and crank up the drunk thread again)until you get the peanut butter farts and report how Mrs. AG feels about those.
  17. I may be a stupid eternal optimist, but I don't think this will be the case. Humans come together and support each other in the worst of times. This is going to suck for a lot of people. A lot of people are going to discover what it is like to not have what they used to have and that's going to happen real fast. I think people are going to lose patience really quickly with the "me first" people in our society and pull together. I may be overly optimistic on how we handle a crisis but for some people, this may be their finest hour.
  18. Their website is now bookmarked for me. https://healthweather.us/ Will be interesting to see if it tracks. If it's accurate now, a bunch of Florida is about to blow the fuck up.
  19. Potential thread derail, but I've wondered if the opposite will occur. Will we discover that we don't really need sports? I miss March madness, but I don't really feel like I'm empty without it. This is the time of year I start really getting into a hockey, but I'm going on without it. I wonder if there are a bunch of folks thinking, "meh, maybe I should spend my money somewhere else."
  20. Thanks! I'm going to give this the same weight as Junior Miller with the three cases in the Arlington Hospital and Greenspoint saying it's in the Houston jail according to his DA buddy.
  21. Tonight's dinner. Leftover Hill Country Remaining flour tortillas Finished product
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