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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by PhillyD

  1. From the fluent Trixie speaking wife. I may have a lot more of these since wife is on Zoom a lot now and she feels like she has to yell into the screen so people can hear her on the internet, "Have you ever tried talking to him? You can barely get a word in inchwise!"
  2. Well, he's not given to hyperbole or anything like that. /s
  3. repped for bravery. You should keep drinking (and crank up the drunk thread again)until you get the peanut butter farts and report how Mrs. AG feels about those.
  4. I may be a stupid eternal optimist, but I don't think this will be the case. Humans come together and support each other in the worst of times. This is going to suck for a lot of people. A lot of people are going to discover what it is like to not have what they used to have and that's going to happen real fast. I think people are going to lose patience really quickly with the "me first" people in our society and pull together. I may be overly optimistic on how we handle a crisis but for some people, this may be their finest hour.
  5. Their website is now bookmarked for me. https://healthweather.us/ Will be interesting to see if it tracks. If it's accurate now, a bunch of Florida is about to blow the fuck up.
  6. Potential thread derail, but I've wondered if the opposite will occur. Will we discover that we don't really need sports? I miss March madness, but I don't really feel like I'm empty without it. This is the time of year I start really getting into a hockey, but I'm going on without it. I wonder if there are a bunch of folks thinking, "meh, maybe I should spend my money somewhere else."
  7. Thanks! I'm going to give this the same weight as Junior Miller with the three cases in the Arlington Hospital and Greenspoint saying it's in the Houston jail according to his DA buddy.
  8. Tonight's dinner. Leftover Hill Country Remaining flour tortillas Finished product
  9. He didn't have to pay anything for Candy's bull.
  10. If anyone else finds themselves in this situation, take the opportunity to smear some of those snot gobs near your nostrils. It's the fastest way to build immunity to Coronovirus. Godspeed to us all.
  11. Nope, that was the rock thrower and pedophile. This one seems to just be a creeper - so far. Hard to keep up with which degenerate is which on here.
  12. I would be in no way surprised, but the above was a poster here?
  13. Years later and I still want the backstory behind this reaction by someone who was in the room.
  14. C-man, I did this a couple of years ago for my son using things I learned from this board on TOS, the partspicker site, and a couple of articles online from PC Mag. I built for less than $900 something that would have cost on the order of $3000 if I had purchased it retail. It was much easier than I thought it would be and the stressful thing was never really knowing if it would work until I turned it on and finished up. I was like you and had never done anything close to something like this project. If I can do it, almost anyone can. My only advice (and someone already said it) is that if you have the space, just get the biggest tower you can so you have lots of room to work with. I got one that has a lot of see through and it lights up blue so my kid thought that was really cool. Even with all of that space, it was still sometimes challenging to get everything to fit right.
  15. Thanks for doing these both.
  16. I wonder if they floated Briles to make Petrino more palatable?
  17. I have no use for the heating feature. I find myself looking forward to winter when the water is colder and more refreshing.
  18. I always think a WPA or CCC would be awesome but then I think about it and I feel badly for everyone involved. A modern day version would probably be involve an environmental project like cleaning up a river. So you have your crew of 10 somewhat unmotivated people. Some of them manage to show up on time and you get started, but then you have to manage all of their bullshit. I think managing a make work project in the 30's was a lot easier, if you don't work then the boss sends your ass home and you don't get paid. In this day and age, you would have to have a bunch of hearings, determine if there is harassment, determine if there were enough modifications made to the job, etc, etc. I can't imagine the administrative/HR nightmare of trying to manage all of that just to clean up a riverbank. We probably ought to figure all of that out, otherwise, we're just going to leave them being poor in Ada. And, just telling them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps hasn't worked out so well either.
  19. Why even do this? Just to lose Iowa State and West Virginia? I'm sure Washington State is on board with this plan too. At least try to make some damn sense. This thread goes off the fuckin rails every year but this year in particular it's infested with idiocy.
  20. Someone should buy him a couple of Michelob Ultras to jumpstart things
  21. I'm pretty sure I lost this last night when Indiana choked but at least I sniffed having a chance this year.
  22. We may need a ruling on the plate transfer, otherwise, solid submission.
  23. A lot more points than I would have thought on the Alamo Bowl.
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