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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by PhillyD

  1. I'll be interested in your review. I'm not ready to pull the trigger yet. Also need a way to carry it at the office.
  2. FWIW, I like the color pic of the tanks better and I normally prefer the B&W photos. That photo was really opportune too with the train in the background. The B&W shows the train better though. I like both of them.
  3. Someone mentioned Sean McDonough and I owe that guy an apology. I used to rail against him but then, one day, ESPN stopped putting him with Matt Millen. Once that happened, I liked him a lot better. A lot of those guys are handicapped by working with a retard.
  4. You must have run out of cheese at your casa
  5. Backstrom for the Caps is having an incredible series.
  6. I don't have a product, just some contacts who work with coops.
  7. When the cold water is on the left and hot water is on the right. It seems to be epidemic when I go to hotels or AirBnB's.
  8. We decided on a second round. I'll send her home soon.
  9. In, will pay tonight so you assholes can take me $
  10. In condo speed, that timeline is a year. At least they acknowledged the issue but sorry that you're going to be living with it for a while.
  11. I would go it alone. Get copies of everything and then decide if you want to go to a lawyer instead of paying him to sit there. Bringing an attorney to the meeting just seems like it will cost you money you don't need to spend. I would guess the engineers will be providing the results of the test AND proposing a course of action for repairs. My questions would be: 1. What is the cause? 2. How do you repair? 3. Has the association approved repairs? If not, when? 3. How long will it take? 4. Who pays? 5. Is the association filing a claim for the damages done to your flooring? If so, there's a whole host of other issues that you may have to deal with. (like how will it be replaced, what will they replace it with, who will do the work, who will oversee the work) It might be worth looking into your Homeowners policy to see if you have loss of use coverage. If you can't live or house tenants in the unit while they are doing work, you may be able to use that. If you (or tenants) can't stay there and don't have that coverage, you're likely going to be out the cost of alternative housing.
  12. They're ramping that roller coaster up again. You gotta love the off season.
  13. Right before the migration from TOS, I paid $14.99 to go ad free. I rarely use Tapa that now with Surly because the mobile version works so well.
  14. Judging by a post on the APD board, is he is the same as the poster formerly known as Ray Pugh?
  15. I wish there had been some video of this. I'm not sure at what point in the game this photo was taken, but later in the game when it was apparent that we were going to get our ass whipped, this dumbass duck went and taunted Bevo some more. I was cold and pissed and wanted nothing more in that moment than for that Bevo to react like the current Bevo did to Uga. Had that been the same Bevo we have know, that duck would have been dead and there probably wouldn't be any live mascots at games so I'm glad now it didn't happen.
  16. I know you are saying this in a way to express support to AnotherUTFan right now but I'm going to use your post to make a point. One of the things we all have to be careful about is comparing what we are carrying to what others are carrying. Right now, what AnotherUTFan is going through is a lot and someone might not feel compelled to share what they are carrying it because "it doesn't feel right "to complain about what I am carrying when you look at how much someone else is carrying." The problem with this is there is always going to be someone carrying a burden and if you aren't careful, you never appropriately unload the burden you are carrying. I think the purpose of this thread is for anyone to unload anything at anytime. In addition, for every poster in this thread, there may well be 10-15 lurkers who get help by what people post. I brought it up here because it's something I've been told that I am guilty of and I try to continue to work on it. I guess it something that was ingrained in me to consider that my problems could be trivial when compared to others so I shouldn't bring them up. I've been told by counselors that me not sharing them is another way to not deal with them and hope they will just go away by themselves.
  17. So I could read the condo docs and back out on day 17 with no penalty because I don't like something in the docs?
  18. You're fortunate that your client read the rules. I think the vast majority of buyers look at all that and think, "I don't have time for all this legalese," and focus on other things during that 3 day review period and then are unpleasantly surprised when they paint their door the wrong shade and get cited. I'm also surprised HOA docs in Cali are only $200. Most places are charging $300 or so on the east coast.
  19. I'll admit I'm too lazy nor do I have the time to do it. However, I think its impossible for anyone to try to keep up with the RKS standard. Before he was doing it, I think a few posters would just pick out a few of the funnier pictures of arrestees. I'd be satisfied with that.
  20. You should have received the complete ARC guidelines and all HOA documents and had a 3 day review period before closing. If you're talking to an attorney, you may have some recourse against the seller for not providing you with all of the documents before the closing. That's not going to change the fact you have a color problem, but it does change your circumstance a bit in that you may have some recourse against somebody.
  21. As much as you want to, don't give them the middle finger and do what you want. Since you submitted it to review and they rejected it, they have proof that you were told your plan was not acceptable. You should take the approach that NMAS suggests and point out that the current color is green and was apparently ok, so why isn't it ok now? If they still say no, then it's going to be a matter of how much do you want to pay to get your way? You're going to have to lawyer up and then figure out how hard you want to fight to keep it the current color. You will have much better luck trying to work with them than against them. I don't know the Florida laws, but in many states, the HOA has the right to correct a violation and charge you for the work. If you refuse to pay they can put a lien in the property and even foreclose. Sorry to bring the bad news.
  22. I read this. I still don't know wtf that is or what view I am in. I do miss the "what's new" from the old site. Edit: Never mind. I finally figured it out.
  23. I know this isn't the thread for it, but you didn't want to use the Hamm team?
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