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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by PhillyD

  1. Funny how you see this in hockey a lot. I thought the Caps overall outplayed Columbus in games 1 and 2 but lost. Tonight, I thought Columbus outplayed the Caps and the Caps won.
  2. Looks OK on mobile too for me.
  3. Damn. Line judge just went down in Caps/Blue game. Hate to see that; hockey officials are by far the most athletic of all officials.
  4. I'm still here, watching hockey
  5. !00% better might could still be not so great
  6. I thought about making a "Posters that didn't make the jump" thread
  7. Saving my place for later tonight.
  8. It has to be true, that's why it doesn't work for you.
  9. Philly should just scap the goalie and play an extra man the whole game if they play like Game 1.
  10. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/group-penn-state-football-lettermen-call-paterno-movie-uninformed-reckless-010357730.html I'm including this quote because I think the players who say it "fails in every manner" got it wrong and are still blinded by undying loyalty. This movie got a lot right and that's what I liked about it. What I wish the movie had done more of is filled in more of Joe's early career and how he got to be lionized to the point that he became bigger than the University. I read the Paterno biography (a review is here https://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/21/books/paterno-by-joe-posnanski-a-biography-of-the-coach.html) much of which was written before the scandal broke, but the author followed up and there are some chapters dedicated to it. The movie matched much of the biography which is why I think the players who made that statement got it so wrong. The biography also adds a lot of context between Joe and Sandusky. If you're just looking to validate a hot take opinion on Paterno, you probably shouldn't read the book. For anyone else, I think it is great read.
  11. I'm not certain you can go all the way up the Cathedral right now (that part was closed for some time) because it is still being repaired from the earthquake a few years ago that they were under-insured for. However, the Cathedral is still worth going to even if you can't take in the view from the top.
  12. Me while driving: Can you look this up on your phone real quick? Wife: My phone is so slow on the internet now. I can't get it to work. Me: Pull up chrome and let me see your phone. Wife pulls up Chrome and there are 96 tabs open. I didn't go through all of them, but almost all of them were for the weather forecast.
  13. She's not really cold. They are for protection from sexy time.
  14. It amazes me that I just watched that clip of that Texas/Arkansas game and became my 18 year old self again and pissed off all over again. I will hate Todd Day, Lee Mayberry, and Oliver Miller forever. Nolan Richardson was a fucking coward for leaving that game and then crawling back in.
  15. Are you serious? TJ Hooker posts shit gifs for a week before he even got a warning.
  16. It's fair to judge on their regression in ability to block though. They took a definite step backward.
  17. I disagree with WR's being a minor position coach in this day and age but I get the point of the post. You can still hire a weak coach/great recruiter for RB's.
  18. I'm preparing for the annual 2nd round loss by the Caps. To me, this is really when hockey begins.
  19. I grew up in a small town and pledged never to go back to one. However, I would consider it now because things have changed a lot. With the internet and being able to get things you need want online, it's a lot different than it used to be. As long as I had reliable internet, I could do it.
  20. Are they really going to get 100K? Sorry, not in TX, and I know they are delusional, but if they get 100K, the delusion is going to bring some serious lulz
  21. Bump because it's tonight. I'll probably watch it live
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