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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by PhillyD

  1. I am at my parents house and they are Fox news junkies. The meltdown is epic and it's all I can do not to smile as it happens.
  2. The absolute best. I remember listening to him reading a grocery list and being awestruck by his voice. I know @Sbbruin will share some thoughts and I look forward to them. I can't imagine a greater voice for baseball or any sport. I knew this day would eventually come and I have been dreading it. Vin, thank you. You made listening to a broadcast an experience memorable and your talent will never be duplicated. Excuse me if I spend the next few hours searching for recording of him describing Fernando Valenzuela on the mound and repeating it over and over. RIP to my favorite announcer ever. Second only to Harry Caray. BTW, if you don't think much of Harry. find some old radio recordings, instead of what you heard on WGN after he was well past his prime, then reevaluate. Vin Scully NEVER left his prime. There will never be anyone better.
  3. While he found out, after fucking around, this sentence was quite a bit less than what prosecution wanted. He had a gun at the Capitol and I understand he had another gun in his car. I would have like to have seen more but at the same time, I'm grateful the judge didn't give a weak sentence. I'll take it, but not really satisfied.
  4. PhillyD


    The fasting fucked me up way worse than the prep and the procedure.
  5. I don't believe she wrote that thread. There are no misused words.
  6. You don't have the pretty bell curve because you blew the curve. As Doom said, the number of Eagles you have in 83 tries is pretty remarkable. If you stop playing and I play 600 more times, I may have an equal number.
  7. Another damn 6. Also, I'm a model of consistency.
  8. Between this and the Hawley memes, I am very entertained today.
  9. The Hawley running video us going to be a meme gift that keeps giving for years and I am here for it.
  10. A couple of thoughts I have. Had we gone all at the very beginning, would Germany be doing even less than they are now? Would Sweden and Finland still be applying for NATO? I know Ukraine is in great pain, but I'm not sure there was a better way to play things with the information we had available. The reality is, we screwed up years ago in Crimea by not acting appropriately.
  11. Now that I completely distrust the Secret Service, I came across this article on the spokesperson. Seems he has some experience covering up for corrupt law enforcement. The Secret Service spokesperson defending the agency’s deleted Jan 6. texts previously misled reporters about the police cover-up on Laquan McDonald’s killing | Media Matters for America Bottom line, the secret service needs an enema to purge itself of the dirty shit inside.
  12. You mean to tell me that the letter he wrote to the judge in March of 2021 in which he said he had learned his lesson wasn't sincere?? Shocker. REDACTED 210304Cua.statement to judge.pdf - Google Drive
  13. I think there needs to be a huge purge and I know that must be a gargantuan task. I also realize that finding qualified people to do all of those jobs would be a massive undertaking and you can't just abolish and expect things to run as normal. However, a lot of heads need to roll. Someone mentioned upthread that maybe some pensions need to go missing until those texts are found and that sums up how I feel about it. Some high ranking (and probably quite a few low-ranking) officials need to sit in a jail cell as an example on this one. Those lost messages are completely unacceptable, and I no longer trust that agency. I'm not sure it can recover my trust.
  14. I say this in all seriousness as a DC resident over 15 years. You would be hard pressed to find a Trumpkin if you were forced to put one on a DC jury. There just aren't that many to choose from in the general population, and that population gets really small in a jury pool.
  15. I'm a landlord. On my lease, every person on the lease is responsible for the entirety of the rent. That includes a guarantor if a guarantor is required. I have no interest I chasing down individuals for pieces.
  16. PhillyD

    2022 Drunk Thread

    How do we measure proper here? Pre Shaggy, I could drink and mix whatever the fuck I damn well pleased and be good to go. In Shaggy days, I could drink all night with few I'll effects. Getting old sucks so it a couple of glasses of decent bourbon is good enough, especially since I don't want to ruin the rest of the weekend with recovery.
  17. Kirkland small batch. It's my "every day" choice
  18. Does it appear to others that Meadows is about to be turbofucked?
  19. This didn't happen to me today but it happens to me way too often. You've posted an extreme case, with all 5 letters. It seems I'm often better off having fewer correct letters in my initial guesses and avoiding the guessing games and 50/50 words that come with having most of the letters.
  20. Correct. I should have said voted to convict. Also, didn't mean to imply Gandorf said something that wasn't true. I'm just (still) pissed off beyond measure that they couldn't muster enough courage to convict Trump when they had the obvious chance. They are pussies.
  21. Sorry, but this just isn't true. They had their big chance after the 6th and could have impeached. You can tell McConnell wanted to but he was to chicken shit to step up and give everyone cover to vote to impeach. We know McCarthy was pissed but he went back to Mar a Lago and kissed Trump's balls. So fuck them. Fuck them for not stepping up and being pussies on their last good chance to step up and do the right thing. Liz Cheney has more balls than all of them combined.
  22. PhillyD

    2022 Drunk Thread

    You probably can't taste anymore, but how is that Old Granddad?
  23. I wish so badly there was video of the fat fuck struggling against a seat belt embedded into his fat while he cries about not leading his band of morons to hang Pence.
  24. You could have quite a contest trying to determine who is the biggest pussy. Meadows? McCarthy? Flynn for taking the 5th on peaceful transfer of power question? These people are all fucking worthless and shouldn't run a cat shelter, much less a country.
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