this is the shit that 20+ years of idiots reading over and over and over again on the internet that 9.11 was an inside job, that WT7 went down from a controlled demo.... and that Kennedy was killed via a conspiracy of more than 1 with multiple shooters everywhere.
there are several reports out that there that cleary, and scientifically explain exactly what damage WT7 sustained after the 2 towers falling sheered half its supports, but folks insist on a grand conspiracy of their govt doing it instead of 20 fucked up extremists...
and hell Peter Jennings recreated the magic bullet shot that used ballistics gel and cadaver bones to prove the almost undamaged bullet was possible and created all 7 documented wounds
-although Jennings show only had 6 wounds because the recreated bullet cavitated a little different and ended up breaking 2 of the stand in connelys ribs instead of just the single broken rib that connely actually suffered), and the recreated bullett bounced off the thigh wound placeholder... its assumed the eztra energy of 2 ribs breaking took just enough of the momentum of the bullet away to not leave a thigh wound.
all of that is available to anyone who really wants to watch it. but instead 20 years of echo chamber responses has a shitload of people wanting to beleive that 20 nut job extremeists couldnt have really taken down 4 planes with boxcutters. Or that 60 years agao a grand conspiracy took away a President instead of 1 fucking nutjob.