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  1. ED pills work guys. Come on, let’s go!
  2. All of my rehabilitative assignments have actually taken place a couple of weeks or more after having already put the bottle down. Able to stop, but not in time to avoid the consequences. That experience for me is the worst. Selfishly, It's just a game of how to I navigate my assignment as quickly as possible to preserve my bottom. Sounds like your experience with stopping is different. And that is something that the one-size-fits-all crowd misses and my insanity juggles. But it's also the beauty of the soft language written in the blue book with steps in it. To your dilemma, I found myself in a similar worry for my first, and only, inpatient. I had genuine concerns that since I had not had a drink in almost two weeks that insurance and the facility would not take. I'm also an extremely honest person. What to do? Only way I could navigate my integrity around the situation was to go to the liquor store, buy some vodka, take the smallest sip known to mankind, and dump out the rest. Obviously not a recommendation, but my switch was already turned off. When was your last drink? "Today." What did you drink? "Half-pint of vodka." Check.
  3. Is this the official Houthi thread? What triggered this new U.S. offensive? I guess the Houthi's gave a 4 day deadline for Israel to cease its blockade of aid to Gaza. The U.S. didn't need to wait. https://taskandpurpose.com/news/red-sea-yemen-houthi-strikes/https://taskandpurpose.com/news/red-sea-yemen-houthi-strikes/
  4. His ass was that bad? Hmm
  5. Obviously 'Authorized' means shining a good light on their historical narrative, but pretty informative and attention holding. I did get chills watching basically their first live broadcast in Scandinavia. Only had been rehearsing for a month. So badass. 'Last Breath' was decent. I think they tried to encapsulate the length of time Diver 2 was cutoff and dying at depth by packing in most of the movie into a similar time frame. Not really necessary and comes off a little dry. No allusions to visualizing death nor much hallucinations on potential loved ones left behind. Was unaware of the documentary. I would like to check it out.
  6. Just now finding out about this. Fucking Hook'em!
  7. U.S. brokered deal was never going to recover any land currently occupied by Russia. 40% is there.
  8. Tuned in a bit late, but the last three fights were all worthy, the headlining being a demonstration in stalking and speed.
  9. Their citation is this tweet.
  10. The Enchantment's advanced lottery is confusing. Doesn't even ask how long your stay will be or if you'd like a mint on your pillow?
  11. Great headliner fight.
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