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Everything posted by JohnnyRage

  1. What's the false flag, no toilet paper in the porto-potty.
  2. He did all the right things. I didn't understand because I would have just shot my dick off and quit the hard way for a millionth time. But we are all different and our paths are different.
  3. I'm pretty sure it was a retarded looking guy in Tech gear.
  4. Weird, he's guaranteed the title bout as he is still technically champion. Lewis already has a fight scheduled. Maybe they are building a card, and this ticks off a non-championship fight for Francis.
  5. Nice! That means you've passed me!
  6. Why have they not updated the mRNA Vaccines past the initial A and B variants? They often come out in the press and boast that within weeks they could update the vaccine. But then they just continue to pump and dump the original to first world countries.
  7. What I'm trying to say is Nebraska Road Trip.
  8. If you guys could just get your shit together as a fanbase, we could rue the world. And I have like literally 1 hour a day on most to be a fan, offseason or not.
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