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Everything posted by JohnnyRage

  1. There is only one path towards redemption. We must cleanse this unholy loss. We must make it to Arlington.
  2. No enforcement of masks today. 2/3rds no mask. ESPN Game Day is setting up in the West side Cotton Bowl Plaza. This area was already a logistical nightmare any year. Be prepared for that side of the stadium to be a complete cluster fuck. I believe Immamac is pregaming at the Magnolia Beer Garden. But for some of you guys that are early enough but not going to the game, The Embacadero building just outside of the eastern side of the stadium had two interesting indoor choices with TV’s - a small margarita Tex-Mex cantina, and a larger fried fish place called ‘The Dock’. There were also two of the larger usual choices heading towards the main concert stage. And then there was something super interesting being setup just north of the stadium connecting to the back of the hall of state. But this looked like you might needed to have friends in higher places. photos:
  3. About to head to The State Fair for some Pre - Pre FFFFFFFFFF IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII GGGGGGGG HHHHHHHH TTTTTTTTT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I've got a 13 year old that would be willing to do it for you.
  5. Yeah, this could be very very rainbows... But I think it's about Gawd Damn time that we started taking Rainbows back.
  6. Johnny Walker through a kick/push at the knee probably over 30 times during the last Fight Night. I guess it was the result and intent of the hunting and timing of the Roundtree kick. He landed it perfectly. It is what it is I guess. And it keeps the other fighter off of his forward leg because he knows there is the danger of that happening. Thus reducing his speed and power.
  7. Happy for Santos, but Walker looked really good, needed to almost double up his activity, but looked really good. Stayed disciplined for five rounds. Holland is somehow both the world's biggest ass yet sometimes humble. That position and submission all resulted from a headbutt that should have paused the fight and gotten Doctor's approval to restart. But it all happened so fast. Right decision in my ill informed opinion. Anybody figure out why Alex Oliveira was all in his feelers, usually he's dancing cod piece out?
  8. Just wear a shirt with your avatar ironed on it.
  9. I'd be willing to split two with someone.
  10. Slip in and out of the Ro-Cat without lube with Casey Thompson on the field, no substitutions with players getting lined up quickly in a hurry up.
  11. Want to buy 2 Tx/ou tickets. Streak since '98. Will be early, yell loud, and stay so-so. Fees on Stub Hub are insane, so I would prefer to give that money to you and your family. Also willing to stand in line and deliver one Fletchers Corny Dog if need be. Prefer lowers, but pretty willing to just get in the doors this year. Thanks in advance, Johnny
  12. Lincoln Riley co-ops blek Tik-Tok dances without crediting content creators.
  13. I can’t wait for a heavy dose of Ro-Cat with Casey Thompson also on the field. That way we can swap traditional/Ro-Cat instantaneously without substituting with the ou defender’s gasping and hands on hips. Bring on the fake injury timeouts!
  14. Add in dirty or cracked screens, and overwhelmed WiFi.
  15. Are Texas/ou tickets still exclusively 'Hard' tickets, and ain't talking about the front of my pants after a win. Have they moved to phone scanning as well? Or still pull the stub for the fair, scan the ticket for the game? How does this work in the secondary online market. I'm so used to just waiting for the tickets to drive up from Austin. I'm looking for two.
  16. Jordan Chavez is 33 and from Idaho Falls, but I'm not sure why that's important to you.
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