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Everything posted by Bodowned

  1. Sark is such a shithead, man. Can call a PERFECT game for 95% of the game but his refusal to take points is going to cost this team.
  2. Just a joke of a penalty. Fuck this shit-ass conference.
  3. I can’t wait for BYU to score with 6 minutes left down 7-8 points here and we’ll have it in our RS freshman QB’s hands to not blow it.
  4. I hate Sark so fucking much. Just an absolute fucking dunce of a human being.
  5. I’ve never seen a worse RZ offense. It’s painful.
  6. worthy would be the best receiver of all-time if he could receive a ball
  7. Why does Murphy throw every ball like he has a torn rotator cuff? I’ve seen this guy throw fucking missiles in limited playtime and every throw today is like a dad throwing to his 6 year-old.
  8. Sark fucking sucks. Done with this clown. Absolute joke you wouldn’t take points here to make it a 3-score game.
  9. It’s insane that Barron is the second coming of Christ and the rest of our DBs play like D2 athletes.
  10. Bad throw that hung in the air way too long, but great box-out by AD for the catch.
  11. Gavin Holmes is fucking trash. Get him out of Austin.
  12. Brooks is getting 10 YPC? Fuck that. Run a stupid, unnecessarily complicated play-action against the blitz.
  13. Sark is so fucking ass, man. Newbie QB and won’t even attempt to establish a running game.
  14. I can’t believe we thought this defense was good for a few games.
  15. why do I feel like Houston is gonna score with 10 seconds and then run a successful rub route to one of their nameless white guys for the 2-point conversion
  16. this offense is broken. I legitimately think Sark has no fucking idea how to break down the UH defense.
  17. Ewers was a fucking dogshit - I don’t care what his stats say. 4th & 2 and he actually threw that.
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