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  1. And yet, that was a MAGA campaign point during the election. Post election, now nothing can be done. So much bullshit.
  2. Is this the origin of TFG's 5% approval rating came from? He saw an article that said his support gained 5% points and he thought that meant a 5% approval rating?
  3. The only thing in that document that isn't crap, assuming it's true, is the following segment, "since Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022". And yet, this is all still somehow Ukraine's fault.
  4. Jim Jones was in charge of food safety? Better than Kool Aid safety I guess.
  5. Ukraine will reject this "deal" and rightfully so. He tried to bring peace. But Ukraine wants to keep fighting. TFG will then declare Ukraine is being unreasonable and stop all assistance. That's where this is heading, right?
  6. DELETE FROM Programs WHERE Name LIKE '%trans%' or some simple shit like that. That's the level of contemplation that seems to be at work here.
  7. I think I've read elsewhere that employees go back on probationary status when they change departments, which was the case with this person.
  8. COVID 2.0 anyone? What's next? Measles?
  9. I wondered the same thing. The relative silence, at least in terms of physical protests, is remarkable. One of these days society will figure out how to recognize and expose anonymous Internet actors and neutralize this toxin to public discourse. Or, it won't and we at least get to say we lived at humankind's apex moment, whenever that was exactly. 2006 Rose Bowl perhaps?
  10. Been there, done that. During a government shutdown during his first term, Trump forced Joshua Tree National Park to remain open with reduced staff. This resulted in lots of damage to the fragile trees in the park. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/jan/28/joshua-tree-national-park-damage-government-shutdown According to a former park superintendent, "What’s happened to our park in the last 34 days is irreparable for the next 200 to 300 years". 😡
  11. The US is respected once again! Hans Christian Andersenland for the win!
  12. Iran loves what we're doing. So we must be doing something right. Right?
  13. What could go wrong? Yes, let's purge the CIA too. This apparently was Ratcliffe's idea. At the risk of delving into Godwin's Law here, a certain dictator years ago also had a cabal of underlings who fought amongst themselves to see who could push the envelope more to impress the boss. That did not end well.
  14. This has me pondering something. If there are no widespread demonstrations against Trump for his current actions with regard to Gaza, which are demonstrably more damaging to the Palestinian cause than anything Biden/Harris promoted, then why not? It's almost as if the real driving force behind those earlier Palestinian protests might not have actually be Palestinian. I wonder who that might be?
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