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  1. And according to the memo, no DOT support going forward for communities that enact vaccine or mask mandates. Because, you know, states rights or something. But this brings up a question. First, what the hell does that have to do with transportation? Secondly, doesn't almost every school district in the nation impose a vaccine mandate of some kind? My own county requires quite a number. That's mandated by state law. So, does this cut off DOT funds from everyone? Might as well shut the DOT down, right? DOGE for the win! We are going to witness a resurgence of Polio, Measles and other nastiness? Aren't we? It's only week 2 of 208 folks.
  2. Haha. Yeah. Sorry about that. You too Colombia! I think I can still get a job as the press release writer for the Whitehouse though!
  3. Just like Poland was so unfriendly to Germany in 1939. They could have done a deal. Easily. But they wanted war instead. Sad.
  4. And TFG's name and signature will be on the checks. You can count on it. During the height of the COVID outbreak my deceased father got one with that guy's name on it. I am not a fan of any politician trying to frame government services of any kind coming from an individual. They should say, "courtesy of your fellow taxpayer" or something similar.
  5. I think someone else also brought this up, but LA gets some of its water from the Owens Valley. Technically not the Central Valley since I think it lies just to the east of the crest of the High Sierras and generally slopes to the south. There may be some other water projects of which I'm not aware, but Mullholland was best known for draining the Owens Valley dry. But as we sit here and have a rational discussion about the particulars we might lose sight of the fact that TFG actually believes there's a twist valve somewhere that will magically divert limitless water from Canada to LA. It's just evil politicians in CA that are preventing it for some unknown reason. I wish everyone on the board the best of luck that we, and the country, survive this era. God help us all.
  6. Never mind the realities! Even water from the southern Central Valley would still require pumps uphill to get to the LA area. To the best of my knowledge, such pumping stations don't exist. This idiot actually thinks valves and pumps controlling water heading downhill into the SF Bay area could just magically be diverted to LA, doesn't he?
  7. Definitely unqualified. Most? Maybe, but I present to you...
  8. He also stated that aid would go through "us" (him). So I assume, bend the knee, you get aid. Alabama and Mississippi already kiss his ass, so they'll be covered. California, on the other hand, can get fucked. A reporter asked about conditions on North Carolina since he's already applied two conditions on CA aid (one of them related to voter ID). Trump of course, made no demand of NC. Equality under the law no longer applies. But we already knew that.
  9. Did anyone have getting rid of FEMA on their bingo card?
  10. Because they are just going to cure it with Ivermectin! Mel Gibson's "research" proves it.
  11. Texas wasn't in the game. Why would they?
  12. But they don't want DC to become a state, with over 10 times that population.
  13. Providing the pretext for Marshall Martial law and a suspension of the Constitution. And our grand experiment would over due to a self inflicted wound. I'm not saying the riots would be unwarranted, mind you.
  14. You think Trump will be OK if CA somehow withholds its tax money, even as he tries to choke the state out? Not happening. And yet somehow, lots of R's in this state will still vote for him. And yes, provided he continues to live, there will be a push to let him run a third time.
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