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Posts posted by 27-25

  1. 41 minutes ago, dimyh said:

    Here is a graphic with casualties per region. Noticeably light is Moscow, St Petersberg, and....Chechnya. TikTok warriors still surviving all of those intense firefights with those traffic lights.



    North Ossetia up there near the top of the per capita death rate in Ukraine.  Maybe South Ossetia needs to reconsider its planned vote to join Russia.

  2. 44 minutes ago, Superhero said:

    So serious question here - Prior to the Russian invasion, we heard a lot about how Ukraine was a corrupt country; and they struggled to take out Russian-backed insurgents, and gave up Crimea.

    But after Russia invaded, all of the sudden they got their shit together and turned from Bruce Banner into the Hulk?



    I know Zelenskyy and his predecessor Poroshenko were both trying to stamp out corruption and end the fighting with Russia. But it seems like they had the chops to take out Russian backed separatists and re-take Crimea if they wanted to. So explain it to me like I'm a 5 year old. What happened since February 24?

    Prior to Russia's invasion Ukraine had some defensive weapons that could keep the breakaway areas in check but nothing required to go on the offensive.  When Russia attacked Ukraine used their new tactics and unit cohesion to impressive levels and the western powers that be decided they'd leveled up and are now sending the heavy stuff.  NOW they have the tools needed (mostly, they could use more air power) to gain ground.

    Also, the Russians ended up being an unintentional supplier of heavy arms as well, courtesy of Ukrainian tractors.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. 12 hours ago, Starfleet Command said:

    Not really a fan of stuff like this.  It's ugly and the family doesn't deserve it.  But at the same time, it shouldn't come as a shock when a few flies are attracted to the open sewer that has become our elite public institutions.



    I'm not really a fan either.  Perhaps they should set up an exclusion perimeter to give the family some safe space kind of like there is around abortion clinics for people going through difficult times.  Oh wait.  The Supremes voted against that.

    The people I REALLY feel for in this particular scenario are the neighbors.  They didn't sign up for this shit.

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  4. 50 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I'm honestly flummoxed at all these "free to sue" proposals.  I mean, in my non-lawyer world, I would think the plaintiff would have had to suffer some grievance to win a lawsuit.  This bizarre legal lynch mob mentality seems incredibly wrong.

    I know, I know.

    Funny how the crowd that made the most noise about tort reform and over zealous litigation turns out to be fine with proposals to open the floodgates to lawsuits that seem to involve one party with no legal standing (at least as far as I used to understand the term).

    And I have a question about that.  Let's say Citizen A is sued by Citizen B under those circumstances and let's assume Citizen A wins.  Is there any protection from Citizen C stepping up and bringing their own suit?  Can a citizen mob drown the plaintiff in suits until they are bankrupt?

  5. 2 hours ago, Gil Bang said:

    I really want this fucking guy to die.  Tonight would be good.



    "It's gotta be all Russia's Fault". Yeah Tucker.  You see, Russia invaded Ukraine.  Twice.  It IS all their fault.

    I agree, Tucker needs to DIAF.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  6. 1 minute ago, Saint Austin said:

    NATO on the whole might not act, but would Romania intervene on its own since it's so close with Moldova?

    I'm in no position to say what Romania might want to do.  I can imagine that the rest of NATO would try to restrain their response somewhat.  A NATO member country fighting Russian troops in Transnistria is still NATO fighting Russian troops directly.  That would dial the Russian paranoia machine level up to 11.

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  7. 1 hour ago, ShaggyBevo RIP said:

    I think there were some security 'agreements' implied with applying to NATO.

    Moldova just submitted their first questionnaire for EU membership.  I don't recall seeing an application for NATO membership.

    My understanding is that Sweden and Finland get what amounts of Article 5 protection once their application for NATO membership is submitted.  But I don't think those applications have been filed, though they are expected soon.

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