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Posts posted by 27-25

  1. 1 hour ago, Don Johnson said:

    How about instead of ridiculed, just not protected anymore?  And when they get Covid, sympathy is optional.

    If the only thing that happened to such people who chose not to be vaccinated is that they died I'd be all for the live and let live.  But that's not the whole story.  Those dicks are the probable vectors for the Epsilon, Zeta, Eta, Theta, ... Omega variants.  They'll pass that new version on to a large number of people before they croak.  Sooner or later one of those variants is going to be different enough that the vaccines we do have now won't suffice, then we're back in the suck.  Rinse and repeat.

    And as pointed out in another post, yes, the low vaccination rates elsewhere (in many cases having to do with total unavailability instead of something silly like political leanings) are a problem too and perhaps even a bigger one.  Delta originated, if I recall correctly, in India.  So the entire world needs to step up.

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  2. 1 minute ago, Don Johnson said:

    What I'm saying is these mutations will happen in other parts of the world - like they have been - even if we reach 100% here.  We don't live in a vacuum.  

    100% correct.  Which is why the US and the rest of the western world should be pushing vaccinations everywhere.  No one on the planet should fail to get a vaccine if they want one.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Don Johnson said:

    Which is going to happen whether the US reaches 100% vaccination levels or not.  Mutations, that is.  Not necessarily forms that get past the current vaccines.

    I'm not sure that's the case, though I'm not a doctor.  COVID has a Ro value of 2.4, or something like that.  So a given person who is unvaccinated and infected will pass it on to 2 or 3 other people.  All presenting new opportunities for mutation.  A vaccinated person who becomes infected has a far lower possibility of passing the infection on to others, though to what extent in numbers I have no idea.  That means less mutation potential.  That's astronomically a better outcome, not just a minor difference.

    Any medical experts out there please chime in.  I'm curious what the real numbers are on a vaccinated person's ability to spread the virus, if any, actually is.

    I never thought a Governor from Arkansas, of all people, would do something I want the media to do every day, but here we are: 



    More than 90% of active virus cases are people who have not been vaccinated, Gov. Asa Hutchinson said during the briefing.
    The state saw 988 Covid-19 deaths since late January, and 99.6% of those deaths were people who were not vaccinated, Hutchinson added. In the same time period, more than 98% of those hospitalized with Covid-19 were not vaccinated.





    Ack!  Ro is worse for COVID that previously reported.  It's up to 5.7 in some studies.  Perhaps this is taking into account the newer Delta variant?

  4. 2 hours ago, SwAss said:

    Reggie Bush tweeting how he wants his Heisman back (though that award should have been given to Vince Young).   https://twitter.com/ReggieBush/status/1410661680334315521/photo/1

    Fuck Reggie Bush.

    And concerning other posts that bring up the tax angle and whether the kids will be able to navigate it, it's an entirely different world than most of us were exposed to with our first job.  Taxes get withheld by the store you work for.  You file, 1040EZ for the win, to get a refund.  That's easy as it gets, IRS wise.

    I'm 54 and have navigated taxes for decades.  What exactly are the tax implications for an individual receiving lots of free stuff for a tweet or post?  I'm sure there is one, but I have no idea how to file that.  Some 18 year old kid likely doesn't as well.  The can of worms has been opened and UT, and other schools, had best be prepared to help the student athletes navigate this minefield or there may be some ineligible players next season for reasons we had not seen up to this point.

  5. 37 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

    Back up into double digits in less than a week. NONE of them are vaccinated.

    I want to see every news organization say the same thing day after day:

    "CDC reported xxx deaths yesterday due to COVID-19.  All of the victims were unvaccinated"

    Every single day.

    Of course the real numbers might be more like "99% of the victims were unvaccinated" and that the 1% outlier will be the rallying cry for anti-vaxxers because we live in the dumbest of timelines.

    • Hook 'Em 5
  6. Given HIPAA, I think we never get the full story about medical issues for legal reasons.  Also, I've heard County Healthcare officials mentioned once or twice in this thread.  So it's possible the NCAA is not the only entity driving the events.

  7. 21 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    You may want to read the article that you posted.

    I understand your point.  But the article references:

    Retaining all 36 teams will require a large-scale fundraising campaign for Stanford Athletics, and “we will need to ask for the support of the Cardinal faithful like never before,”

    They still have to find the money.  It's not a done deal.


  8. I thought I had read that the rules were changed recently to limit the number of sports that could count towards the Directors Cup.  Stanford had a huge advantage in that they fielded 36 teams, compared to Texas' 16 (??).  Try competing against competition which can field double the number of players you can.  It was a foregone conclusion that Stanford would win.


    Regardless of the rules changes, things may have leveled out somewhat anyway.  Looks like Stanford is going to have to cut back: https://news.stanford.edu/2021/05/18/stanford-continue-11-varsity-sports/


    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. Norway has public data on the income and taxes paid by its citizens.  From the article:

    One nice feature of tax transparency is that it discourages tax evasion.


    Take it for what it's worth.  But other's have tried this, and other, proposals that are discussed here.  I'll bet there's not an idea in this thread that has not been tried by someone, somewhere at some time.  I would love to see some data on it.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 34 minutes ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

    He did not. That was a myth, because fascists lie. They lie a lot. A virus disappearing in April for example.

    There is no silver lining unless one prefers life to resemble wet concrete.

    I know Mussolini did not make the trains run on time.  I neglected to put my own </sarcasm> tag.  Apologies.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. On 6/9/2021 at 10:33 AM, WhatTheBuck said:

    Oh, and another thing, there hasn’t been any increase in solar output like the anthropogenic global warming deniers like to blame for global warming. Claiming there’s been an increase in solar flares was more bullshit. Solar flares happen. They have nothing to do with climate change.

    Yes, there has been a recent increase in solar activity in the last year.  But.... this is just part of the normal 11 year Solar cycle and we are currently just coming off of the Solar minimum between cycles 24 and 25 (the current one).  So Solar activity for the last couple of years has been LOWER than the average.  Furthermore, the peak of Solar cycles 23 and 24 were LOWER than many of the peaks observed in modern times.

    We Ham Radio operators love those Solar cycle peaks.  The shortwave radio bands really come to life.  I wish I was around for Cycle 19 in the late 1950's, which was legendary.  There are a couple of different measurements of "solar activity" one of them being the number of sunspots (more spots = more output).  Cycle 19 had 129 average daily sunspots.  Cycle 24 had only 49.

    In a nutshell, Solar output is not causing this.


  12. 22 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I still wonder how it's legal for an arm of a state legislature to unilaterally decide to "audit" election ballots.  In my world, it seems this should be driven by the Secretary of State.

    In a properly functioning republic, you're probably right.  We don't live in a such a fantasy world unfortunately.  We inhabit something more and more like a third world country with first world money.

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  13. 2 hours ago, gsoda3 said:

    this can't pay more than $50,000 a year.

    Probably true, but man, if you love the game and someone's paying you anything to play you do it.  Here in Sonoma we have (had?  Not sure if it will survive the pandemic) a minor, minor league Baseball team (Sonoma Stompers - http://www.stompersbaseball.com/).  It's actually a very fun and cheap night out.  A few have gone all the way into MLB teams.  Most just have a dream.  If I recall correctly, those guys make a few hundred bucks a month.  They get free meals on game nights, which is almost every night.  So there's that. 

    • Hook 'Em 1

    15 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    What a world...more at the link, but here's the gist. 


    Sherri Tenpenny, an anti-vaxxer who was found to be key in spreading COVID-19 conspiracy theories, suggested on a recent anti-vax livestream that you may have to “stay away from somebody who's had these shots…forever.” 


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  15. On 3/13/2021 at 4:55 PM, atomheartbevo said:

    Very few people actually owned slaves, which makes the whole Civil War even more fucking stupid, since those idiots were bamboozled into thinking that somebody they too could own their own slave or whatever, all the while not realizing that slavery was hurting them financially as well.

    A small number of very wealthy individuals manage to convince a much larger number of poorer, uneducated individuals that they are one and the same and then spur them on to do their dirty work for mostly the benefit of the wealthy few.  I'm so glad we've advanced and don't have deplorable scenarios like that play out today!

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