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Everything posted by 27-25

  1. Russia is deporting non-compliant undesirables to the farthest reaches of Siberia? While they can't be bothered to truck out their own dead? Man, the more things change, the more things stay the same. I'm not sure Ukraine is ever going to get those people back. ☹️ Fuck Russia!
  2. Even Russia doesn't fully sympathize with itself. They know they suck.
  3. Problem with Kaliningrad is that it's almost all Russian, about 85%. Stalin probably depopulated every German, Pole, Lithuanian or anyone else with ties nearby from the area. I suspect those Russians dream of nothing more than a land bridge back to the motherland.
  4. Or something like this. I'm not picky.
  5. According to the CDC, it's four: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd/polio/public/index.html CDC recommends that children get four doses of polio vaccine. They should get one dose at each of the following ages: 2 months old, 4 months old, 6 through 18 months old, and 4 through 6 years old. That woman is just a special breed of stupid.
  6. South Ossetia and maybe Abkhazia with fewer Russian troops now? Georgia be like: I do hope if we get a whiff of Georgia looking to take advantage of the current situation we can talk them back, at least I think so.
  7. Put down the crack pipe Putin. It would impossible to move troops into Bosnia without crossing through a NATO country or two and all of the Article V hell that would unleash in the process.
  8. Replace the word Communist with Nazi and this seems to about sum up Putin's present state of mind.
  9. Ukraine's move to the west is further cemented. Brilliant move to invade Poo Tin. Genius, some idiots, might say.
  10. China, though much larger obviously, has a similar demographic timebomb coming up. China is turning into the most rapidly aging population in the world.
  11. Wow. They really want to push Sweden into NATO's arms, don't they? Putin doesn't want NATO to expand. Does the one thing that almost assures NATO will expand. Brilliant!
  12. Damn! Those crafty Russkies are on to our cunning plan! Who would have thought that such a thing could happen there at this time of year? I suppose it's times like these when I'm grateful that some people don't learn from history.
  13. Do the Russians have ANY radios other than those that transmit on the Amateur Radio bands? This is comical.
  14. Man. I wish I could rep this one more than once.
  15. This is starting to hit close to home, or what was once home.
  16. Damn drugged up Russian Blues should have been banned from competing for years! That will improve RU military morale and effectiveness for sure! Brilliant!
  17. Shortwave is back baby! BBC, VOA, Radio Moscow. Starting to feel like the 1980's again for me.
  18. Sorry. I'll work on my joke delivery.
  19. UKR is killing it in the PR department. It's a rout in their favor. This had better not be true.
  20. FIFY
  21. Hopefully this turns out to be a case of missing jet that sports new colors and is later seen flying over Kyiv. The Ukrainians say, "We just found it. It must have fallen out of the back of a truck".
  22. I'm surprised they didn't include it in this list of things coming soon to prove how up and coming they are.
  23. That was more south in the state, right? Stay north of Carson City and that should be OK.
  24. City name checks out.
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