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Posts posted by 27-25

  1. On 3/13/2021 at 4:55 PM, atomheartbevo said:

    Very few people actually owned slaves, which makes the whole Civil War even more fucking stupid, since those idiots were bamboozled into thinking that somebody they too could own their own slave or whatever, all the while not realizing that slavery was hurting them financially as well.

    A small number of very wealthy individuals manage to convince a much larger number of poorer, uneducated individuals that they are one and the same and then spur them on to do their dirty work for mostly the benefit of the wealthy few.  I'm so glad we've advanced and don't have deplorable scenarios like that play out today!

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  2. 5 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Welp, I found a CVS in Bay City TX that will shoot me up on Friday.  It's a 3+ hour drive from Austin.

    So, how long does it take for the side effects to kick in?  I'd really not rather be on the road when that happens, and I have to do this one solo.

    Depends on when Bill Gates wakes up and logs into his tracking computer, or so people are saying.

  3. 1 hour ago, Ghost of LL said:

    I assume local regulations can stay in place.  And I fully expect that they will in many cities.

    Maybe, however....

    1 hour ago, Michael Knight said:


    You can do whatever you want cities.  You just can't do ANYTHING about it when people don't take the suggestions that medical professionals make.  In other words, you can't do shit.  Well, you could die.  I guess you could do that.  Freedom!

    Can't be said enough.  Fuck you Abbott!

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Neonmoon said:

    What could their policies be? It’s just a grab bag from their 4 core groups. 

    Racism (Southern Democrats post Civil Rights Act)

    - stop browns from immigration 

    - anti-BLM 

    Evangelical (Great migration after Roe v Wade)

    - stop abortion 

    - put prayer in school 


    - 2A unlimited 

    -  Thin Blue Line 

    No Sharing Resources (fiscal conservatives)

    - lower taxes 

    - no regulations 

    - free market when it benefits me 

    - vote my pocketbook no matter what. 

    new branch 


    - owning libs 

    - conspiracy theories 

    - Ultra Fear Monger 


    Hey look, there IS a Republican platform.  They just forgot to publish it.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 1 hour ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

    Per Dan Crenshaw on Facebook:

    The push to decommission baseload power sources like natural gas would be disastrous when trying to keep the lights on in Texas.

    Did I miss the concerted push to shut down natural gas plants?  Oh wait.  It's just total bullshit.  That's right.  Silly me.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  6. 6 hours ago, RDCanecutter said:

    A friend is seeking law dog advice for when it would be reasonable to whack somebody with a cane if that person were to get up close and breathe on friend.

    If a cane is considered a deadly weapon, we could sub in a bull whip.

    Indian police have got you covered.  According to Indian coworkers they love to use their lathis these days for folks not wearing masks.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    Hitler's takeover of Germany was a similar clown show.  Seriously, the architects of his rise were a bunch of dipshits.  If you'd have predicted in the early 1930s that this dipshit and his merry band of fucksticks was not just going to control Germany, but control most of Europe and successfully murder millions in an orchestrated plan, you'd have been laughed out of most every room.

    At the risk of invoking Godwin's Law, this is spot on.  The Nazis at the time of the Beer Hall Putsch were a joke.  The fact they actually thought they would succeed with such a flimsy plan illustrates their ignorance.  Let's march in Munich and the whole country is ours!  But deep pockets kept them afloat because it served their interests.  Even as Hitler fully came to power they thought of him as their puppet.  A very dangerous game with horrific consequences.

    We have the useful idiots and a flimsy plan.  Let's see if we can learn from history and change paths.

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    On 1/14/2021 at 6:06 AM, Beantown Express 2.0 said:

    Maybe some of you smart folks on here can answer this question for me.  Just flipped to Fox News and some Republican congress woman was talking about the evils of big tech and how they silenced Trump on Twitter.  She then said that we need to make the tech companies (Twitter, Amazon, Google, etc...) a utility and take national control over them.  All the hosts were nodding along.  Maybe I am missing something but nationalizing industries is not something Capitalist countries do, right?  Isn’t that what countries like Venezuela do and what the Republicans (and Dems for that matter) have always railed against.  Maybe we can regulate the tech industries better via laws but taking them over seems like maybe the Republican Party does want to be the Nazi party long term.

    <Chinatown>Forget it BE, they're Republicans.</Chinatown>

    On 1/13/2021 at 3:59 PM, Pancho said:

    I just don’t see how some of y’all are going to continue to be republicans post trump.


    Did all of the Illinois Nazis move north and run for office?  I hate them both regardless.

  9. 36 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Now, add the following wrinkles: imagine I have a long history of how I am going to make Sela Ward mine, whether she wants it or not.  My posts get more frenetic every day.  And today, I post several times about "today is the day, Sela will be mine, she can't stop me."  And the cops arrest me as I'm sneaking in her back yard, heading for a door or window.....carrying blades, small screwdrivers, rope, and duct tape.


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