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Posts posted by 27-25

  1. We all focus on deaths (well, except for complete morons or about 40% of the population), and rightfully so, but even those who recover face long term repercussions.  A Texas trauma surgeon says "Post-COVID lungs look worse than any type of terrible smoker's lung we've ever seen."

    Even asymptomatic survivors show damage 70-80% of the time.


    But it's fine.  Everything's fine.

    • Like 1
    • Rage+1 1
  2. 53 minutes ago, TexasEx said:

    Sigh. Here we go. Banks's gf, poleassassin_ (on IG) has a pet monkey (also on IG) who was a Bama fan but will now be a Texas fan. Football support staff is making him some tiny chaps and a miniature cowboy hat as we speak. Plan is to have him ride Bevo out of the tunnel at Sark's first game. 

    Alternate UT logo?


    • Hook 'Em 4
    • Haha 2
  3. 1 hour ago, aggie08 said:

    If there's one slight positive out of all this, the Republicans in the House have absolutely no room to weaken Biden (and the new Georgia Senators, for that matter) for 4 years with "illegitimate president" bullshit like you know damn well they were going to. They've got fucking McConnell and Graham calling it a legitimate election after all this, and everyone with a conscience is calling out Cruz and Hawley for the complicit pieces of shit they are. None of those cowards would dare to start that shit up now.

    This the same Graham who previously said publicly no Supreme Court Nominee should get a vote in an election year and that if he tried they could use his words against him?  Lady G?  Unfortunately, yes, those cowards WILL dare, unless they are finally held to account.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, Bullneck said:

    I think Trump should be shot by firing squad after a fair trial and all, BUT I've been thinking:

    306 EC votes for Biden

    -16 Georgia EC votes

    290 EC votes for Biden


    That's 20 more than he needs to win.  Nothing changes, right?  What's the angle?

    Sow chaos.  Get one state to overturn.  Set up momentum to do the same in other states.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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    • Fuck Around and Find Out 2
  5. 19 hours ago, Surly Bevo said:

    Well you can....just like with testing/ppe Trump said "ah fuck it why don't the 50 of you deal with it on your own"  While they also have to deal with all the other shit that's been left to them.

    Yep.  A reasonable leader of a nation might get some governors on the phone, discuss the apparent lack of progress in getting the vaccine administered and ask whether there was anything the Federal Government could do to help grease the skids.  You know, instead playing more rounds of golf.

  6. 11 hours ago, Shaggy3.0 said:

    Thanks for the simple explanation. Not sure I understand this whole "legacy" thing.  Why should that be a factor? 

    I'm trying to compare this situation with the software development process, as crazy as that sounds.  Over time, a code base can become extremely convoluted and/or huge monoliths for various reasons. Shitty programmers touch the code and create regressions. Moron IT contractors develop untested modules and break the build. Business rushes projects through with unreasonable timelines.  These issues usually surface with large enterprise projects in poorly managed groups.  One solution is to acknowledge and fix the questionable architectural decisions,  peer-review code going forward, and remove legacy code that prevents better coding practices.  A large code refactoring project  is usually the next step.  Refactoring allows teams to correct previous mistakes and move forward in a constructive manner.

    When it comes to law, I guess there is a similar problem. Every year more decisions are made by all levels of the judiciary.  And every year, as more cases are decided, it exposes laws to contradictions IMHO.  Perhaps logical paths for what the current law actually is reveal themselves, but might get drowned out by previous contradictory rulings.  I read all those motions today.  They read like a free-for-all to cite the most cases to support either side.  Then I read online sources, watch the news, read various opinions---and this shit is all over the place. And this reminds me of those large codebases full of problems. But in software, we can refactor to solve our problems.  The IT VP and Directors who created the issues---we can't worry about their "legacy".  Things just need to be fixed properly. So they give the go-ahead to fix all the issues.  Does the law have this ability to basically refactor itself? And again,  why the hell should I care about the legacy of some Chief Justice?  I can't even name previous Chief Justices because well, that's not my field. So why should the average person care about that? 

    Pos rep for working the word refactoring into Cloak Room.

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