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Posts posted by 27-25

  1. 23 minutes ago, Willfully Horn said:

    She denied sending the Alert. My emotions have some momentum, because hoax>flu>my freedoms>masks don’t work>most people will be fine. If the government of FL proves its case, my emotions will change.

    Assuming the credentials were publicly available then the state had better have some damning evidence showing the login and message originated from an IP address assigned to her computer.  If the IP doesn't fit you must acquit.

  2. 12 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

    Burning it all down 



    I know others have asked why not impeach?  Why not invoke the 25th amendment?

    I figured the timing just wouldn't work and he's gone in less than two months anyway, unless all AZ GOPer pledge to give up their lives for the fight.  Maybe I'm wrong.

    Maybe this fucker is going to literally burn it all down in the end.  Hope the White House insurance policy is all paid up.  DOTARD probably pocketed that money too.

  3. 2 hours ago, Snake Diggity said:

    People under 30 don’t need to be vaccinated due to incredibly low mortality rate

    I don't get this.  People under 30 may not die from it (as much as those older) but they can certainly be infected and pass that infection on to others.  I believe the herd immunity number of 70% thrown about refers to the general population, not just the most vulnerable, right?

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 35 minutes ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

    Money most likely. In the past, they looked to cut dollars and provide some oversight and transparency and that's not something this administration finds acceptable. Also, maybe private/public war hawky people want to set the stage for 2022 and 2024 by crippling Biden as much as possible? I mean you've got the three meanie moes at the Pentagon now so it's getting the band back together again so they can play for Moscow and all the rubles.

    Can't Biden just relieve them of their duties on Jan. 20th?  Lots of Day 1 things to do.  May not have time for inauguration festivities.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Your Mom said:

    That Chuys/Hula Hut creamy jalapeño dip is easy to make. Recipe is easy to find online.  

    Wife replicated it here in CA after some trial and error.  Friends love it.  Would love to have a Chuy's out here though.

  6. Please tell me this is not going to be another Trumpian Four Seasons outcome:

    "Big news about Texas and Urban coming up at 10..."

    "Urban Outfitters to sell officially UT licensed gear!"


    • Like 2
    • Haha 3
  7. 1 minute ago, JimmyJames said:

    I would volunteer to speak at his funeral.

    My speech would simply be “thank God this asshole is finally dead and I’m not sticking around One more second unless I hear the food is gonna be good and the alcohol is free. Amen.”

    I'll be first in line to donate to cover your travel expenses.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 26 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Well, he didn't attend either John McCain's or George HW Bush's funeral. I don't think anyone wanted him there. He's not going to attend another statesman's funeral because nobody's talking about him. 

    I wouldn't be so sure that any other presidents would attend his funeral. I'm not sure his shitty family would want them there. Assuming they want to be there themselves. 

    Presidents or former Presidents might be asked to speak at Trump's funeral.  They would have to come up with nice things to say and recall interesting or funny anecdotes.  Would anyone of a sound mind want to do that?  No way.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:
    In Jean Edward Smith's biography of George W. Bush, he wrote about what President Bush thought of President-elect Obama during the transition period.
    On page 650, it states:
    “As part of the presidential transition, Barack Obama asked Bush if it would be possible for him to meet all the ex-presidents. Bush was happy to oblige, and organized a White House luncheon in the Oval Office on January 7. Bush and Obama were joined by Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and George H. W. Bush. The luncheon lasted over two hours, each former president ordered his lunch à la carte from the White House mess, and the tone was convivial and friendly. “All the gentlemen here understand both the pressures and possibilities of this office,” said Obama before the meeting. “For me to have the opportunity to get advice, good counsel and fellowship with these individuals is extraordinary, and I just want to thank the President for hosting us.”

    Bush was equally effusive. “We want you to succeed,” he replied. “Whether we're Democrat or Republican we care deeply about this country. And to the extent we can we look forward to sharing out experiences with you. All of us who have served in this office understand that the office transcends the individual.”

    Five Presidents.jpg

    Won't see that again for some time.

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