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Posts posted by 27-25

  1. 1 hour ago, Helobious said:

    Yeah I don’t get Trump’s covid stance at all. Fucking Putin & Boris Johnson threw their support behind mask mandates in their countries. If Trump mandated (or even just told) people to wear them the virus wouldn’t be quite so bad. Nothing he could ever do would cause his support to waiver, no idea why he didn’t just roll with common sense.

    Well the problem is in bold right there.  Can't roll with what one lacks.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 31 minutes ago, Pasken said:

    Vice did a pretty interesting deep dive into the huge dip in polling locations on Election Day. It's not as bad as it looks because some states have fewer locations but expanded mail in voting. 

    Texas has 389 fewer voting locations in 2020 than it did in 2016 for a %6 drop and no expansion of mail in voting. Texas also put an end to mobile voting early locations that would be in a different spot every day to reach more areas of the county.





    Context is important for some of these.  I can only speak to California.  Not as much of a need for as many polling places when every single voter in California can vote by mail (they just mailed ballots to everyone) or drop their ballots off at official drop box locations (and more than one per county)!

  3. 14 hours ago, JimmyJames said:

    He can’t pardon himself but more importantly, he can’t pardon anyone from state law crimes. His criminal brood should be fine but he wont. He will be a fugitive from justice until the day he finally dies. 

    That day he finally dies should immediately be declared a national holiday. 

    ACB during her confirmation hearings refused to state whether a President has the power to pardon himself.  I agree with others here that a President who can pardon themselves is a King.  Thus, if we are to remain a republic, this HAS to be illegal.  I think it IS illegal.  But it HAS to be.  The fact that she weasels out of giving an answer is chilling.

  4. 1 hour ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    If he flees to Russia, Putin will kill him. He will be silenced. What value could a living, breathing Donald Trump possibly provide to Putin after he's no longer POTUS?

    Normally, the thought of a US President fleeing into the open arms of Russia would be alarming.  We may luck out here though.  DOTUS has paid so little attention to actually running the country for the last four years that the actionable intelligence they can pry out of his head may be of little value.

    Change the nuclear football codes (not that he would remember those, but why take chances?), change the locks on the doors and move on.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 18 hours ago, Bama Chick said:



    So if he's trailing the worst candidate in history by double digits in some polls, what does that make him?  Donnie, you're worse than the worst.  That makes you... Think about it.  Try hard.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  6. Voted some time ago, via mail here in CA, and just got notice that the ballot has been received an accepted.  I certainly did not rely on the illegal CA GOP ballot boxes.  Fuck you GOP, indeed.

    Unfortunately I won't be able to change my vote based on last night's  town hall performances because.....   well, obviously I wouldn't because it only reinforces what should be obvious to anyone.

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