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Posts posted by 27-25

  1. 1 hour ago, tchookem said:

    In my grandmother's final years she suffered dementia. Before we realized how bad it was getting, we found out that she had several "friends" that would call and talk with get on the phone. Turns out that these people had convinced her to share credit card information.

    This is the level of evil that I'm equating this to. Every time I think they can't get lower, the GOP proves me wrong.

    And the CA GOP has refused to comply with a cease and desist order from the state: https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/14/politics/california-republicans-ballot-drop-boxes-cease-and-desist/index.html


  2. 4 hours ago, Nueces River Rat said:

    Working the Refs works.

    Agreed.  Best example I can recall was women's basketball, though I don't recall the specifics.  When Jodie was coaching Texas was getting hammered by the refs.  Everything seemed to be called against us.  Nothing the other team did seemed to matter.  It was nuts.  Jodie storms onto the court tearing the refs a new one, getting a technical and just unloading on them.  The lopsided calls just stopped.  All of a sudden.  Like magic.  There are time when a coach needs to go there.

  3. 1 hour ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    He really got his ass bailed out by the Apprentice.

    I don't like "reality" TV much.  Now I hate it even more.  It gave us all DOTUS.  Maybe when people claimed TV would ruin America this is what they meant.  We were warned.  We didn't listen.

  4. 2 hours ago, Voldemort86 said:

    The orange fucktard was talking about using the “herd mentality” to combat the Covid 19 pandemic in a town hall recently.

    The guy is so stupid. The term he was looking for is “ herd immunity”. Good luck with herd immunity trump, we would have to suffer a death toll in the millions to achieve it. 

    And that's assuming one getting the Coronavirus provides one with immunity ever after.  The jury is still out on that one.

    • Haha 1
  5. 12 minutes ago, DaysOff said:

    I do not understand this take from educated people. Being leary of the messenger RNA vaccines is understandable as it is new, but also the future of our vaccination programs.

    Otherwise all the other candidates are your basic dead virus 19th century technology vaccines. Are you allergic to eggs or something? Getting my dead virus flu shot today. No difference.

    I am not anti-vaxx at all.  I've already had my flu shot this year and have gotten every vaccination recommended for people throughout my life.  I would not line up to be the first person to try out a brand new vaccine though.  Thankfully, there are many others who are willing to be the guinea pig.  There are risks with a hasty vaccine rollout as evidenced by the cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome in the 1970's due to the swine flu vaccine developed then.


    A coronavirus vaccine (should it be released even sometime in 2021) will be amongst the most quickly developed vaccines in history.  I hope it works.  I'll get it, hopefully after we get some certainty about side effects.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 1 hour ago, 4th&Five said:


    Which one is it?  I haven't kept up with the super duper new military weapons we've been developing.

    Hydrosonic?  Is it Aquaman's plane?


    Or Hydrasonic?  Does it soften skin as it destroys one's enemies?



  7. 6 hours ago, Jester said:

    TLDR: fuck term limits for SC Justices. 

    Lifetime appointment is the one thing that keeps the SC honest.

    Look. A good judge is a good judge. They don’t let politics into play. They apply the law. To. The. Facts. I know. Novel concept, right?

    I’ve been in front of great “republican” judges and great “democrat“ judges. Then those great judges get washed out in the next blue/red wave for no reason. It sucks and I wish judges didn’t have run on a political ticket.

    If there are term limits...the SC is gonna be a grifter factory. “Hey, rule this way and in 10 years and I’ll put you in the board of company X paying Y million a year”.  It would be fucking terrible  


    I get your point and understand there are downsides.  But do lifetime appointment SC judges get washed out in the next blue/red wave?  They don't.  If every President were guaranteed let's say 2 appointments to the bench with the oldest serving members being retired then at least we can maintain some sense that the makeup of the court matches, to some extend, the current will of the people (in an indirect way).  Can the same be said now, even remotely?  I don't think so.  Right now it's a crap shoot (fuck you cancer!) but the GOP has figured out how to game the system better by nominating and getting seated much younger SC judges who will be in place for decades.  If the only Dem response is to do the same then we have a race to the bottom to nominate the least qualified, ideologically pure candidates who a given side (Dem or GOP) thinks will toe the line for a few decades to come.  I'm not sure how that makes for a better outcome for the country.

  8. 1 minute ago, Blotto said:

    Damn, just read the news. Set aside all of the political bullshit for now, I hate that how she had to spend her last days. I'm a huge term limit guy for Congress and every bit as much for the Supreme Court. A 12 year term would have allowed her  to serve her country on the bench and then 15 years of life after the court. As it is, she no doubt felt obligated to soldier on when her prognosis was grim. Rather than pack the court, I would prefer a more constant churn of justices. 

    This.  The GOP has caught on to a very important point about lifetime appointments.  Get on the bench young and you've effectively packed the court for a couple of generations.  But it also means you risk elevating someone with less than complete life experiences.  Term limits for the SC should be something looked at.

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