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Posts posted by 27-25

  1. 41 minutes ago, pyrohornIII said:

    So if no one does anything...not a thing...nothing is done, nothing is made then wouldn't GDP be zero at worst?  How can it be negative?  I can see how net domestic product can be negative, or the rate of growth of GDP, but not the actual GDP.  Surely he recognizes this?  Or did I hear it wrong?

    You and I heard it the same way.  If we are to be generous we can imagine he meant GDP growth.  But even if we were that generous his statement would still be complete horseshit.  The economy's been growing for several years prior to him coming aboard.

  2. 44 minutes ago, Storm the Field said:

    Christ, I didn't think Garrison could actually go this low, but his take on McCain was a real doozy:

    He also wrote a batshit blogpost of Top 10 reasons not to mourn McCain, including stuff like this:

    1.  On July 29, 1967, the spoiled brat McCain pulled a prank and wet-started his jet while aboard the USS Forrestal. His mother lovingly called him a ‘scamp’ and it was well-known he was a practical joker and rule breaker. He finished near rock bottom in a class of over 800 at Annapolis because he tried to break every rule in the book there while also making terrible grades. Such a prank befits his character. The huge flame created touched off a bomb on the plane behind him which led to more bombs going off from other parked planes, which then led to the deaths of 134 sailors. McCain did nothing to help during the fire. He was whisked off the carrier and protected because his father and grandfather were Navy admirals. The Deep State Swamp media has since tried to cover this up.

    Wanting facts, I had to look up that date.  134 did die, but McCain's fault appears to be a complete lie.  A rocket accidentally fired from another plane hit McCain's plane, causing a fuel leak, fire and subsequent explosions.


    I'm sure there are lots of Trumpkins lapping that shit up though.

    Edit: Some reports state the rocket hit the plane next to McCain instead of his own, but the larger point stands.

  3. 57 minutes ago, PittsburghTiger said:

    Venezuela’s number two official has suggested his country’s escalating migration crisis – described by the United Nations as one of the worst in Latin American history – is being staged as part of a rightwing ruse to undermine his government.

    Speaking at a congress of the ruling United Social party this week, Diosdado Cabello implied that images of Venezuelans fleeing through South America on foot had been manufactured.

    “Doesn’t it strike you as suspicious there are photos of [these people] walking along the roadside in Peru, walking along the roadside in Ecuador, walking along the roadside in Colombia,” the president of Venezuela’s constituent assembly told delegates, according to the Caracas broadsheet El Nacional. 

    “It’s as if it was: ‘Lights, camera, action!’ It is a campaign against our country – a campaign of extraordinary dimensions,” Cabello added.


    Part of the don't believe what you read and see crowd it appears.

  4. 26 minutes ago, triplehorn said:

    Devin Nunes :

    2017/2018 Unitemized individual contributions = $1,923,418.03

    2015/16 Unitemized individual con = $25,038.01

    2013/14 Unitemized individual con = $21,008.79


    If accurate, that would both explain a lot and trigger a lot of questions.

  5. 4 hours ago, 4th&Five said:


    I realize the DOTUS provides no context, but is he referring to the second scan of Hillary's emails on another laptop collected later where they electronically weeded out copies of emails they had already reviewed from another source?  In other words, they didn't waste their time looking at the exact same text again, choosing to concentrate on anything new and tangible like any rational, efficient investigation would do?

  6. 2 minutes ago, Skyline said:

    This image has great potential. Maybe the best thing Fox has given us in a while.

    Gimme the marker Jimmy.  Let me show you how it's done.  Don Jr. couldn't color for shit either!

    • Like 5
    • Haha 1
  7. 2 hours ago, SmokeyTheBear said:

    I don't think it will matter if he pardons Manafort. I don't think Trump is on Manaforts mind, as Russia is Manaforts real boss and has been for years. Manafort won't talk no matter what. 

    True, unfortunately.  Manafort knows where the Polonium comes from.

  8. 2 hours ago, GhostOfTomJoad said:
    2 hours ago, 'stache said:

    He’s right and I agree with him. What on earth makes you believe anything changes? He’s untouchable among his base, which includes most elected republicans.

    ... She wants lower taxes/elimination of inheritance tax. That's it. Nothing else matters.

    Unless she stands to inherit more than $11 million (or maybe more these days) it's already been done.  BEFORE Cheeto was in office.  My father used to wring his hands about the inheritance tax as well and didn't seem to understand his estate wouldn't be taxed at all.  It just never seemed to sink in.  Worked for the R's at the ballot box though.

  9. 11 hours ago, blackmarketbaby said:

    But do you really want it shut down?

    Well, they're breaking the law, so yeah.  I don't care what the content is from the perspective of legality.  Communist/Nazi/Vegetarian/AntiVaxx/Lizard People/Beans in Chili.  Doesn't matter.

    I'd really like to get back to being a nation of laws, not of men, or teams.  

  10. 1 hour ago, horncyclist said:


    Debate scheduling update. Beto responded proposing they change one to El Paso and not do two of them on Friday night when Texans are watching football. Cruz camp says the debate plan is not up for negotiation. Will be interesting to see how it plays out.

    Well, it Beto does not give in then Rafael will claim that Beto was afraid to debate him, which is of course total bullshit.  But the Trumpkins will lap it up.  Stupid fucks.

  11. 18 minutes ago, retread said:


    Praise be!  Look, the orange cheeto solved the water crisis with respect to the wildfires.  I expect a triumphal tweet lauding his own exploits to be celebrated on par with those on the actual fire lines.

  12. The EPA is opening the door to more Asbestos use in manufacturing and building, because, why not?


    The U.S. is one of the only developed nations in the world that has placed significant restrictions on the substance without banning it completely.  New data revealed that asbestos-related deaths now total nearly 40,000 annually, with lung cancer and mesothelioma being the most common illnesses in association with the toxin.



  13. 22 minutes ago, Mo Horn said:

    He's on vacation.  Just go play golf which he does when he's not on vacation and stay off Twitter. 

    What in God's name is he talking about?  Is this the later stages of Syphilis making its presence known?

  14. 49 minutes ago, Chad Fuck said:

    Must be hiding all those new steel plants behind the tool shed out back.  

    Hoo-boy.  That's a whopper.

    Nah.  Those new steel plants are being used to make materials for the "invisible" planes the DOD is rolling out.  If you can't see the planes you can't see the parts, obviously.  Duh!

    • Like 2
  15. 2 hours ago, 4th&Five said:

    Is he having a stroke?


    Fuck that orange cheeto for trying to politicize disaster response while the disaster is ongoing.  I live in Sonoma, had a close call last year that put a scare in us and of course there's wall-to-wall coverage of the events in the local media again this year.  I do not recall a single report or hint that any aircraft or fire crew was in any way hindered from getting water needed to do their jobs.

    And is this his first tweet about the subject?  Nice to have his thoughts and prayers.

    Stands to be said again.  Fuck him!

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