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Posts posted by 27-25

  1. 36 minutes ago, Pancho Negro said:


    Is The Hill Trying to elbow into The Onion's territory?  Or is this just the new bizarro world in which we live?

  2. 22 hours ago, Brew said:

    Your first statement is stupid just for the record and more hyperbole that goes nowhere other than inflaming one side or the other. The flip side of your argument is that without capital investment there would be no work for the worker bees to perform. Both sides of the aisle have placed a perceived value on that resulting in lower capital gains rates.

    This whole us versus them mentality is tired at this point. I made my stance on the tax system clear in my post above. Go to a flat or tiered structure with no deductions so everyone pays something and the system can’t be gamed. However, there will still be rich/poor and employee/employer. The tax structure has jack shit to do with income disparity and those that lash out at it with that mentality are just trying to find an argument.

    My first comment is a bit snarky and for that I apologize.  Not quite sure how that warranted such a vitriolic response.  I even explicitly stated I was not arguing that capital gains should be taxed the same as earned income, just didn't see the need for the disparity to be increased. 

    If tax structure has nothing ("jack shit") to do with raising the income of one group over another it would make no sense for some groups to spend so much money lobbying congress on modifying the tax structure.

    Your proposal of a flat tax would certainly get rid of some gaming of the system (see lobbying above).  Unfortunately, given our current human nature, I do not see a pristine tax policy lasting a single Congressional session before the first "oh, well except this" gets thrown into the mix.  Seems like every tax simplification scheme has been but a temporary reprieve from the inevitable trend.

  3. 14 minutes ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

    So, if I am hearing correctly, the doom and end of the USA at the hands of DJT, is a healthy prediction based on indicators that will bear their fruit in the future. It's like the calm before the storm right now. 

    Also I think what I'm hearing is, irrespective of our economy and if people have jobs, and nice wages, and a great economic outlook, the republic will still be damned and doomed because of everything else that DJT has done to erode the constitution or prestige and persona of the Presidency and all the marginalized folks like Js1LBT's and PoC's and other horrible crimes against the founding fathers.

    I agree that everyone is wired to tie immediate or current results and effects to recent causes instead of seeing a longer picture.

    Well, let's look at a hypothetical.  Imagine the US lowers taxes to 0%.  No more tax collection.  What happens in the near term?  Pretty sweet, right?  The immediate reaction is prosperity.  it does not take much foresight to know that the inevitable downside is coming.

    A night full of drinking is great fun.  Those who've been through it enough times know that what's coming the next morning will not be.

    If someone thinks the current state of affairs is the only information to take into account then I really would hate to see what their retirement planning looks like.

    • Like 1
  4. 13 hours ago, Brew said:

    My assumption is because both parties see an investment of capital into business as a good thing and so they treat the return of capital as unearned income with a different rate just the same as they do with qualified dividends.

    I was under the impression that work was a good thing.  Was I misinformed?

    And I'm not arguing that the rates be the same.  I am arguing that I see no rationale for widening the difference further.  The rich were already getting richer.  The endgame of widening income disparity will not end well for anyone, even the rich.

  5. 41 minutes ago, DigglerontheHoof said:

    Russians dig being controlled by a singular, powerful entity....been that way for centuries.  The ideologies have differed but they've all been brutal and totalitarian. 

    Sounds similar to a certain someone we all know who is fixated on "very strong" leaders that most of us simply refer to as dictators.

    • Like 1
  6. 59 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    College should be affordable. I'm not convinced it should be free. I think you probably have to charge something to discourage the attendance of people who won't take it seriously. Obviously you can't eliminate that completely because there will always be parents willing to pay for their kids who aren't committed to the task even if they're qualified. But free? That just sounds reckless and it makes it hard for me to take its proponents seriously.

    I support "free" college, but not for ALL.  Many going to college today are wasting their time.  What I think we should be doing is ensuring that every brilliant person with limitless potential gets to college if they so choose.  And that means some wonder kid from Watts, NO's 9th Ward or wherever gets a free ride.  College should be free for them.  We'll all benefit in the long run from them succeeding.  Stupid shits from upper middle class looking for 4 years (5+?) of partying can find a way to pay for themselves, or get a job right off the bat, or get Mommy and Daddy to pay for it.

    • Like 2
  7. 9 hours ago, bolverk said:

    Yes. They're a group of folk who believe the letter Q is full of mysterious powers, because - where they're from - it's rarely used for store signage. All around them they only see downhome places named shit like Kwick Koffee Kafe.


    I think the Trumpkins watched too much Star Trek Next Generation.

    • Like 2
  8. 58 minutes ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    ...if not Native American, then that they are 16th in line to the throne in Montenegro or some such shit.


    Well, that would explain your aggressive rhetoric, or so I've heard.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, Bateshorn said:

    Well, if you want to see a bunch of Humvees on parade, then you got it.

    Since the president wanted tanks, They may have to look somewhere else.

    DOTUS dodged the military.  He won't notice the difference.


    • Haha 2
  10. 30 minutes ago, Lagunamadre said:

    Ohh I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that he hasn't read a page of that book. I think the last thing Trump has read in a long time was his prepared statement that he believes our IC, which he stumbled through and contradicted within hours seconds. 


    • Like 2
  11. 1 minute ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    Ho. Lee. Shit. 


    Yeah.  Any setback in Trump's agenda will now be countered and investigated by purged federal agencies.

    Oh, and another example of projection.

    Shit's gonna get real, real fast.

  12. 3 hours ago, HenryJames said:

    Looking forward to all the universities fighting over the Trump Presidential Library.

    Hopefully all of the important Presidential papers will be securely filed away in evidence boxes.

    • Like 2
  13. 3 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    hm.  then revoking their clearance seems really dumb.  they only get classified material when someone with clearance reaches out to them.  it's not like they are copied on the daily security briefing.  so he's just making sure his administration has fewer tools to work with.

    More like fewer tools and more "tools", so par for the course with this administration.

  14. 25 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    If Facebook was the sole supplier of public drinking water, shouldn’t they be expected to keep the water clean/safe and free from harmful poisons?  Because right now they’re acting like they don’t give a shit and bad actors are making money off of poisoning the Facebook well.

    You mean a government agency like the EPA?  Then, no.  We should not expect them to keep the water safe, in this current environment.

    The current environment nurtures chaos and for some chaos produces opportunities.

  15. 20 minutes ago, retread said:


    Fuck Jim Jordan with a red hot poker.

    The last year and a half has felt like a decade and just when I thought we'd hit rock bottom we keep discovering another cliff we're tumbling over.  I hope this is all a dream from which I will wake up with a plot for a book that will be soundly rejected by all publishers due to its preposterous machinations.  "No one will believe this tripe!"

    • Like 2
  16. 12 hours ago, Austin Orange said:

    Beto/Warren would be a great ticket. Having both a Hispanic and Native American would be solid.  Especially adding real-life experience around immigration.

    Is Beto Hispanic?  I know he's fluent in Spanish, but was not aware he was Hispanic.  I'm in CA, so not seeing as much about that race out here obviously.

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