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Everything posted by 27-25

  1. So he dings Biden for "abandoning" Scranton, PA as a child when his parents moved him elsewhere. But of course totally OK for Trump to "abandon" New York as a grown adult for Florida. Rules for thee, but not for me. Example #quadrillion.
  2. Is that like a reverse "Bob Stoops is responsible for" game? But one played by people who are actually trying to, you know, run our country (into the ground)?
  3. My God. They're right. The Democrats are monsters! Batshit crazy just soft plays the level of insanity on display with those folks.
  4. Is it bad that I find only one of those far fetched?
  5. "We're not going to let Joe Biden & Kamala Harris cut America's meat!". What?
  6. Regarding the possibility of lower testing demand I see a couple of pieces that may play a part in this. One is that the lag for testing in this country is scandalous. A week to 10 days to get some results? Almost worthless as a tool to help control the spread of COVID-19. If one devalues a product enough that consumers no longer want it that's not an indication of real demand or lack thereof. It's a sign that the implementation of the idea is crap and needs to be addressed with the zeal and attention one pays to an emergency. Another issue that the powers that be continue downplay the vital role testing plays in controlling things, and those powers that be can come from really interesting corners. My wife works at a hospital and they are fairly strict on mask wearing. However, one of her patients later tested positive for COVID-19 shortly after being in an enclosed room with her for some period of time (15 minutes or so). The patient contacted her himself to tell her this. Ideally, one would think, the employer would immediately order a test for her to ensure she was not contagious and help prevent possible spread to her other patients. Right? Right? No. According to the hospital her encounter did not meet "exposure criteria" and ordered no test. She had to seek out a test on her own and thankfully the test came back negative. In another case one of her coworker's live-in son contracted COVID-19. Did the mother get a test? Nope. She said she felt fine and exhibited no symptoms and the hospital was OK with this rationale. If scenarios like this are one of the reasons for falling testing demand then that needs to be resolved immediately.
  7. Boeing Help Desk...
  8. Who? Who will not wear the flag pin? This is what concerns us now? Stick a fork in us, we are more than done.
  9. It wasn't just the Nicaraguans of course. They even made a movie that included that premise.
  10. I assume he means Flake is a Republican and thus he can employ his furrowed brow to counter Trump with a bit more of a (R) perspective. At the very least his concerned looks will be no less effective in the media than they were in Congress at enacting any change.
  11. Wait. So he hadn't heard Wilbur's statement but thinks it may been stated wrong and clarifies said statement he said he did not hear. Did I get that right?
  12. Fuck LA and their lukewarm fanbase. Hardly watch any NFL games and I had to make an exception to view this screwjob? God, the offseason is such torture. LA NE Superbowl is one I could easily skip.
  13. Wait, why didn't they just block the vote when they knew it wouldn't go their way? All the cool "democracies" are doing it.
  14. Just imagine what a hypothetical person could get Cheeto to do if this hypothetical person had damning evidence to use against him?
  15. Gold is an asset the government can't access or touch? Really? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_6102
  16. Those guys at South Park weren't making a cartoon, they were predicting the future.
  17. If we're just going by election results in the electoral college, Hillary was not that bad. She almost won for Christ's sake. Here's a better example of failure, even if Mondale offended no one in any way other than being boring: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1984_United_States_presidential_election THAT is a bad candidate/outcome.
  18. Kurds gonna get fucked again.
  19. Two years ago, when Rick fucking Perry was going to be in control of nuclear material, did anyone else think, "Oh shit, this is the worst possible choice. He's going to flame out in no time"? Nah, he's practically a shining example. I'm sure he's fucked up something, but barely a scandal to be heard. Of course when you're surrounded by the best people you can appear to be a genius if you just keep your mouth shut and snooze at your desk all day.
  20. We're going to save BILLIONS per month? Man, we can't afford to NOT build the wall!
  21. "Feel the market, don’t just go by meaningless numbers." - The President of the United States Feel the market.
  22. Russia Today actually, but essentially correct.
  23. Switzerland is a confederacy.
  24. True, but DOTUS is so far out of the norm that I think we can make an exception here.
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