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Everything posted by 27-25

  1. Doesn't apply to violent felonies, for what that's worth.
  2. 27-25

    Cruz vs Beto

    Wait. He ended up voting for Gary Johnson too?
  3. Part of the don't believe what you read and see crowd it appears.
  4. If accurate, that would both explain a lot and trigger a lot of questions.
  5. I realize the DOTUS provides no context, but is he referring to the second scan of Hillary's emails on another laptop collected later where they electronically weeded out copies of emails they had already reviewed from another source? In other words, they didn't waste their time looking at the exact same text again, choosing to concentrate on anything new and tangible like any rational, efficient investigation would do?
  6. Gimme the marker Jimmy. Let me show you how it's done. Don Jr. couldn't color for shit either!
  7. True, unfortunately. Manafort knows where the Polonium comes from.
  8. ... She wants lower taxes/elimination of inheritance tax. That's it. Nothing else matters. Unless she stands to inherit more than $11 million (or maybe more these days) it's already been done. BEFORE Cheeto was in office. My father used to wring his hands about the inheritance tax as well and didn't seem to understand his estate wouldn't be taxed at all. It just never seemed to sink in. Worked for the R's at the ballot box though.
  9. Well, they're breaking the law, so yeah. I don't care what the content is from the perspective of legality. Communist/Nazi/Vegetarian/AntiVaxx/Lizard People/Beans in Chili. Doesn't matter. I'd really like to get back to being a nation of laws, not of men, or teams.
  10. 27-25

    Cruz vs Beto

    Well, it Beto does not give in then Rafael will claim that Beto was afraid to debate him, which is of course total bullshit. But the Trumpkins will lap it up. Stupid fucks.
  11. And just in case you think the President is excluded from this provision, that appears to NOT be the case: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/227 The President is listed explicitly.
  12. Surprised his FB is still up. Maybe I shouldn't be. Riveting stuff. Top notch inquiring mind there.
  13. Spacey McSpaceFace?
  14. Praise be! Look, the orange cheeto solved the water crisis with respect to the wildfires. I expect a triumphal tweet lauding his own exploits to be celebrated on par with those on the actual fire lines.
  15. So, just questions about the weather then? Oh wait. I forgot to read rule #3.
  16. The EPA is opening the door to more Asbestos use in manufacturing and building, because, why not? https://archpaper.com/2018/08/epa-asbestos-manufacturing/
  17. What in God's name is he talking about? Is this the later stages of Syphilis making its presence known?
  18. Nah. Those new steel plants are being used to make materials for the "invisible" planes the DOD is rolling out. If you can't see the planes you can't see the parts, obviously. Duh!
  19. Fuck that orange cheeto for trying to politicize disaster response while the disaster is ongoing. I live in Sonoma, had a close call last year that put a scare in us and of course there's wall-to-wall coverage of the events in the local media again this year. I do not recall a single report or hint that any aircraft or fire crew was in any way hindered from getting water needed to do their jobs. And is this his first tweet about the subject? Nice to have his thoughts and prayers. Stands to be said again. Fuck him!
  20. Is The Hill Trying to elbow into The Onion's territory? Or is this just the new bizarro world in which we live?
  21. 27-25

    Tax reform

    My first comment is a bit snarky and for that I apologize. Not quite sure how that warranted such a vitriolic response. I even explicitly stated I was not arguing that capital gains should be taxed the same as earned income, just didn't see the need for the disparity to be increased. If tax structure has nothing ("jack shit") to do with raising the income of one group over another it would make no sense for some groups to spend so much money lobbying congress on modifying the tax structure. Your proposal of a flat tax would certainly get rid of some gaming of the system (see lobbying above). Unfortunately, given our current human nature, I do not see a pristine tax policy lasting a single Congressional session before the first "oh, well except this" gets thrown into the mix. Seems like every tax simplification scheme has been but a temporary reprieve from the inevitable trend.
  22. Which will be offset by the lower costs due to rolling back fuel efficiency standards? *cough* Winning? *cough* I guess? *cough*
  23. I could get behind the idea of isolating all Trumpkins to MySpace 100%.
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