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Burnt Ends Dinner with Gunnar Helm March 28th ×


Certifiably Surly
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Longhorn_Fan68 last won the day on June 28 2022

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  1. how did he get this far without getting caught? I mean look at him, he's the picture of pedo
  2. awesome. I expect a raucous crowd tonight
  3. he's nowhere near that cool - and that dude's cool ran out in the 80's
  4. they're not allowed to remove their helmets. if they come off, fine, but the player is not allowed to remove them to fight
  5. Don't put words in my mouth. You said that, not me. I said we avoided his substance abuse (as far as we know) and that he had low character because he tanked his play while he was with us (or was he lit like a christmas tree? - we may never know). it was obvious he didn't want to be in Dallas and there was hesitance drafting him in the first place in large part due to the reputation of russian players but also because of him specifically. he's done nothing buy prove them right. whatever, I don't care enough to continue this. you like having him on your team, great. I'm just as happy with him off of it. everyone wins. moving on.
  6. It's an average of every non-advanced metric you can name. Yes, i included all forwards because players bounce around. For instance, Val is listed as both a LW and RW. Anyway, we can agree to disagree on finer points, but character matters and Val has demonstrated he has little. He didn't want to play for us, so why would I want him. I'd take a bag of pucks over a good player that doesn't want to play for my team
  7. shit. I guess the border crisis is over and all rapes averted. well done, govner!
  8. Well, since you asked. I'm in week two of my fantasy hockey playoffs so I'm chock full of stats. Right now Val is rated as the #102 overall player in the league based on average stats (I prefer average stats per game over raw stats when analyzing players). If I were to go up and down that list five skaters, I come up with: Nazem Kadri(94)-$7M Andrei Svechnikov (96)-$7.75M Wyatt Johnston (97)- $8.4M Artturi Lehkonen(100)-$4.5M Dylan Holloway(101)-$2.29M Valeri Nichushkin(102)-$6.125M Jordan Kyrou-(103)-$8.125M Kevin Fiala(106)-$5.1M Travis Konecny-(107)-$6M Shea Theodore Dmitri Voronkov(110)-$925k Mason Marchment(111)-$4.5M The bolded represent 6 players just in that list I would take before I signed Val - especially Fiala and Marchment. Provide the same game without the baggage. But even on his own team I think Lehkonen is a better bargain. He's been off and on my roster while Val hasn't because he isn't reliable.
  9. maybe is doing a ton of work there.
  10. I believe you're looking for the comic relief thread. most political cartoons should not make you chuckle. if they do, you should probably seek help
  11. well, sure, but placement matters, of course. for another sense of scale that would wipe out everything north of the river to 183 and from Mopac to I35. so it's also not an insignificant area.
  12. ok, so we've heard the B-team argument. moving on.
  13. just took a look at the web version of watch duty and you can superimpose the fire area over google maps. anyway, there are clearly some structures that are likely now gone. it doesn't look like many, but I would guess several dozen structures or so just by my very quick flyover
  14. well, in honor of st patrick, here's what I'd say to them
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