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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Longhorn_Fan68

  1. he went harder at the abortion vote, which likely had ripple effects on this amendment. oh well, keep trying, I guess
  2. except that it wouldn't. they would simply have new competition. but in my experience even when states decrim it takes a while to adjust. they would simply adjust along with the new laws. I don't abide that as a legitimate reason to be against decrim
  3. which past miscreant is this one?
  4. and Trump is client #1. lol
  5. King Trump. Guess I should get used to it.
  6. yeah, this. gonna have to go with the evidence of they said they're gonna do it and they have already tried it once. and fucking trust me, I have never wanted to be more wrong in my life
  7. hopefully we'll get to see what a POTUS in prison looks like. that would be hilarious.
  8. you're cute. they will absolutely get rid of term limits and they will just keep appointing successor after successor. we probably had our last free election (if it even was)
  9. come on old man, at least crop your shitty screenshots
  10. I keep reading about 20M missing votes. Is this wishcasting or something real?
  11. yeah, this shit doesn't add up to me. it didn't in 2016 either
  12. Q: when they say that 53% of precincts reporting, does that mean raw number? In other words, 53/100 total precincts have sent their results? It's devoid of information about how many voters each precinct represents, right?
  13. I feel like batman in that one movie
  14. in on page one of freedom
  15. it's crazy to think how many people around the world are losing sleep over this election. so many lives are at stake in this election, here and worldwide. hope we win.
  16. weird, mine said let your brain worm take over and so I submitted, as I'm want to do
  17. omg, they have fake melania out. maybe he can't see well enough to know the difference? what a clown.
  18. that is what I thought/expected. thanks
  19. is there somewhere that tracks how many people are voting in texas? or will we not know that till this evening?
  20. well, despite his best efforts the electorate grew, so that shouldn't be much of a surprise
  21. little late to the party bc this thread moves like lightning, but maybe Guam is like PR's OU and they actually liked the slights toward their island rival. anyway, like you said, it doesn't really make a shit
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