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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Longhorn_Fan68

  1. ^interesting that was the last post in here Anyway, don't think Maduro is gonna be able to retain power here. Anyone got a scoop? https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/venezuela-ruling-party-opposition-rally-supporters-election-dispute-2024-07-30/
  2. don't give him a pass on this. he's just a horrible person who looks down on other people - for a whole host of reasons. My future BIL quipped while drunk one time, "Parents are just better people." I think there are a lot of people who have had children that feel that they are simply better humans by virtue of having had children - most just don't say it out loud. Even fewer say it on a microphone while running for office.
  3. that's not good enough. there has to be more. I am no way saying we don't need everyone (insert gary oldman gif here) to win this election for the sake of sanity. I just can't rectify the going back part. what's to go back to?
  4. jesus my eyes. who greenlit that copy nightmare?
  5. it's really not hard to find information summarizing the Stephen King-size novel that is the manifesto of project 2025. hell, there are several links in this very thread,
  6. yes, that's the definition of weird. not being able to be do normal things normally. thanks for that.
  7. this was just my normal renewal. I didn't even know it was time/coming. got an email saying my rate went down and curious chased it down to that revelation. seems like an awfully big correction to be anything that I may have done to affect the rate. I could also be looking for something that isn't there, but it is curious
  8. So on the one hand, I totally get the sentiment in the original tweet, but on the other, fuck that guy. "I sense a common enemy but just as soon they're gone I'll go back to my shitty opinions." is basically what I read/hear. For some reason it reminds me of the "please don't bully me; you'll make me come" t-shirts. Don't tell me how shitty my positions are or I'll be forced to vote for the guy we all agree will ruin this country. How do you talk unity out of one side of your mouth while speaking division out the other? Which comes around to @Huckleberry's very salient points. What is/was it about the "old" Republican party that would make one want to go back. What D positions (actual ones, not super far left pipe dreams) are so objectional as compared to the other side that would compel one to hold their nose for this cycle and then go back the next? Taxes? Economy? Personal freedoms? All laughable positions when you compare the two sides. I'm not in any way saying the Dems are perfect or have their shit completely together, but I have yet to see one R policy - past, present, or future - that would make me ever rethink my current alliance. The D side isn't perfect, but it's not ghoulish either. I'm fine with that, for now.
  9. I couldn't find an inflation/price gouging thread. Since so many people try to pin "inflation" on Biden, I figured I'd put this here: Just got my car insurance renewal. I live in Austin and drive relatively sparingly and I don't have a mileage tracker in my car. My rate went down 31%. I didn't change coverage. I didn't hit an age milestone. I have no accidents to wipe from my record. But somehow magically it costs $700/year less to insure me? Something is fucky here. I'm glad for the reduction, but it's still suspect. Makes me wonder how many other places we'll see staggering and sudden price drops. Hopefully one day we'll get the real story on what happened (spoiler: it was fucking legalized price gouging)
  10. mlb is also the most balanced. the most revealing stat is how much NFL relies on tv contracts. that's pretty nuts
  11. hopefully it's becoming clearer to a lot of people interested in holding office that Trump is a dog with no bite and his followers are more likely to try to kill him than any one of us.
  12. thank you - the way you were phrasing things it seemed something much more nefarious. agreed. and I think the pubs are in an even less advantageous position as before. they don't have the element of (relative) surprise and they have been telling everyone for the last 4 years exactly how they plan to do it again.
  13. what are you referring to specifically? you keep putting out generalities and making people guess and it's fucking annoying. please say what you mean. thank you.
  14. no problem. Biden can just officially tell them to certify. you know, like SCOTUS wants
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