Trump v. Biden
Trump: Old
Biden: Old
Average COVID deaths per day
Trump: 1,215
Biden: 455
COVID deaths most recent week in office
Trump: 24,690
Biden: 80
Total jobs added
Trump: -2.720M
Biden: +15.722M
Total jobs added outside COVID
Trump: +6.409M/36 months (178,028 per/)
Biden: +6.290M/24 months (262,083 per/)
Manufacturing jobs added
Trump: -192k
Biden: +733k
Trump: +1600% (from May '20 to the end of his term)
Biden: -67.0% (from June '22 to June '24)
Immigration actions
Trump: 472 (over 4 years)
Biden: 535 (over 3 years)
Southern border arrests
Trump: 1.4M (2019-2020, 24 months)
Biden: 5.0M+ (first 26 months)
Lies told
Trump: 30,573 (over 4 years)
Biden: Not even close to that
Approval abroad
Trump: 28%
Biden: 43%
Companies bankrupted
Trump: 6
Biden: 0
Times impeached
Trump: 2
Biden: 0
Felony convictions
Trump: 34
Biden: 0
Felony charges pending
Trump: 54
Biden: 0
Times liable for fraud
Trump: 1
Biden: 0
Times liable for defamation
Trump: 2
Biden: 0
Times liable for rape
Trump: 1
Biden 0
Supporters arrested for actions on 1/6/2021
Trump: 1,265
Biden: 0
On Epstein list?
Trump: Yes
Biden: No
This race should NOT be close!
#VoteBlue #MAGACultMorons