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Kringelbert Fishtybuns

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Everything posted by Kringelbert Fishtybuns

  1. Jesus How is that not buried?
  2. No shit. When I saw him hold up his fingers, all I could think was I bet Gregg starts counting outs on a no hitter in the fourth.
  3. Jesus Turner
  4. Bull shit
  5. He is off
  6. So we have decided to just go route 1 the rest of way. Game is moving way to fast for us this half. I know they are pressing us higher right now, but not sure chaos ball suits us. We don’t have any 8’ dudes to play kick it in the mixer. Bo Bo Bo Li Li Li Via Via Via Viva Bolivia
  7. I hate being in the pack it up camp, but I think we are in an okay spot - all things considered. I would be tempted to pack it in and regroup. Get ready for a fist fight in the second half. That’s a red in Europe and a yellow in Conmebol.
  8. Some of you guys don’t watch many Conmebol qualifiers. Richard or Ream fucked up by not immediately picking up the ball. Rule # 1a of being the last defender.
  9. Meh. We made it through Ronnie’s second stint in one piece. Well, unless you contracted a certain virus that didn’t exist until Rock Hudson died.
  10. Admiral Stockdale would have wiped the floor with these two.
  11. Ok I have to give Trump a point for that dig.
  12. I was just joking. I would rather gouge out my own eyeballs and skull fuck myself than watch the debate.
  13. We have two defenders worth a shit and only one under 35. Let’s bring more of them on and park the bus for three quarters of a game. Now to go full masochist, I’m going to switch to CNN.
  14. Well at least we can do another extensive worldwide coaching search after crashing out.
  15. Jesus Horvath
  16. So being down a man against the eventual WC champions is right up there with this Panama squad?
  17. I get making sure you don’t get stretched, but 5 in the back against Panama?
  18. Schlossnagle to Texas announced on Wednesday.
  19. As it should be
  20. My first experience with him was waking up at 3am and the TV still being on. He was ranting and raving about W with the kids cheering in the background. It took me a while to accept that I had not entered some sort of Darren Aronofsky hellscape.
  21. Was it Perry Logan? Link
  22. That’ll do. Just keep getting points.
  23. WRONG!!!! The correct answer is James Brown’s Celebrity Hot Tub Party. I would have also accepted “I’m gonna get me a shot gun and kill all the whitey I see,” but it’s hard to find the whole clip.
  24. I’m thinking CJ Strouds mother may be fucking insane.
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