Sorry if my question was without context, but I wasn't trying to compare to previous years or suggest anything otherwise....just honestly trying to get a sense of how many people fit into this bucket. I see a lot of folks in my income range that leverage debt much differently than we do, and I was genuinely curious. I tend to be a bit more risk adverse re: debt as our family had the opportunity to experience tech layoffs early in our career and ended up designing a pretty safe approach to how we treat real estate as a portion of our overall portfolio.
Another naive question: Is the 2 year history requirement for business owners, or is that for "any job"?
FWIW: I'm not in this industry, only a buyer. I am interested in the human behavior elements behind the financial choices they make though...which spurred my original question. Appreciate the insight that all of you guys provide in this (and other) threads. Good stuff.