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Auto Driller

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Posts posted by Auto Driller

  1. I could see the nuke plant attack being a false flag to justify mobilization to a domestic audience. Another possibility is that they do it with the idea that it’ll degrade the western appetite to continue supporting Ukraine in the war effort. The idea being that when we see how dirty / dangerous the conflict has become we’ll reassess whether Ukraine really matters that much.

    It’s a completely psychopathic and disgusting frame of mind, but that’s who Putin is.

  2. Losing Cam Smith is not good for the Tour. The thing is though, the Tour is what made Cam Smith. And when he’s gone, another 25 year old who worked his ass off and played the KFT and the opposite field events will win a British Open or The Masters. He’ll rise in the OWGR, get all the sponsorships, an no one will even be thinking about Cam Smith. LIV is a very lucrative one-way ticket to irrelevance.

    For all their talk of growing the game, LIV hasn’t even made a token effort to set up a feeder league or relationships with junior / amateur golf. Competition is what creates great golfers, not money. Eventually the Saudis will tire of trying to pick off the good golfers at a nine-figure price tag and the whole thing will disappear into thin air.


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  3. Manpower is one issue, but Russia is also running out of weapons. I seriously doubt that the NK deal with come through - not least of all because Kim knows half of them will surrender to the first non-Russian they see outside of NK. But if it does, are they just going to human wave attack? Or will they bring their own weapons?

  4. The most important thing for civilians, by far, is that the Russian troops are prevented from advancing and eventually pushed back. And let’s not pretend that the Russians only fire on civilian infrastructure if Ukrainian troops are located there. They destroy schools and hospitals with indiscriminate artillery fire as a matter of doctrine. And then they rape and murder the civilians once they take control of the town.

    UA should use any and every structure needed to successfully defend their territory. Amnesty International can STFU.

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  5. 37 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

    Apologies if this has been posted already but is UKR making territorial gains?

    If so, what has that looked like over the past couple of weeks?

    It feels like they have a window here to show gains and that the West’s investment is going to show returns in terms of kicking RU the fuck out of their territory. Is that happening and to what extent?

    They are slowly but surely gaining ground in the south around Kherson. I actually think the “return on investment” thing is a little different. Our main goal here is to grind the Russian military into dust, with the secondary (but still important) goal of restoring Ukraine’s territorial control. If it takes a long time for the latter, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Every day that Russia is fighting in Ukraine means fewer weapons and men that could hypothetically be involved in a future conflict with the US / NATO.

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