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Auto Driller

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Everything posted by Auto Driller

  1. Because it’s inconvenient to the LIV propaganda efforts.
  2. My read on the upcoming “referendums” in the occupied regions is that it’s an open admission by Russia that their ground forces have capitulated and they have no capacity to take further ground. Of course they will “win” the vote but the result will be rejected by the entire international community and the fight will continue.
  3. PGA Tour comes close to nullifying the money advantage for top players considering LIV with all the changes announced today. The only guys who make the jump will continue to be douchebags (Reed) or guys who want to “play less golf” (direct quote from DJ). Cam Smith seems to fit in the second category, although I wonder if the President’s Cup + increased purses / benefits from the Tour will give him any pause on his planned departure.
  4. So is there any doubt that this guy signed up to have his daughter exploded for the propaganda?
  5. Lol at Maryland repeatedly running end-around sweeps while our 290 lb MLB struggled in pursuit. Herman and Orlando looking at each other - “I don’t see a problem with the scheme. Players need to try harder.”
  6. My favorite part of the Crimea videos is the absolute shock and confusion of the Russian people behind the camera. Delicious turnabout that they now understand what it’s like to live under the threat of an incoming missile at all times.
  7. I could see the nuke plant attack being a false flag to justify mobilization to a domestic audience. Another possibility is that they do it with the idea that it’ll degrade the western appetite to continue supporting Ukraine in the war effort. The idea being that when we see how dirty / dangerous the conflict has become we’ll reassess whether Ukraine really matters that much. It’s a completely psychopathic and disgusting frame of mind, but that’s who Putin is.
  8. Also, Russian equipment has been revealed to be total garbage.
  9. I would love to see us hit the lottery on a late-cycle 3 star.
  10. Bijan does not need to play in any more scrimmages. I hope this goes without saying.
  11. Bijan Jordan Whittington Worthy Jahleel Billingsley / Tarique Milton Ja’Tavion Sanders could get the job done
  12. Sounds like Roschon is not going to be back for Bama. Definitely a big loss. Someone is going to have to step up alongside Bijan.
  13. I imagine that local collaborators in Kherson are sweating bullets right now. No way to leave, and everyone knows what you did…
  14. Holy shit, closing the Baltic Sea to the Russian fleet is a geopolitical disaster for Putin.
  15. Really glad to see this. Honestly not sure why it wasn’t done sooner. Russians need to realize they’re no longer welcome to participate in the civilized world.
  16. The “I bet he’s thinking about other women” meme is a great platform.
  17. I’m guessing it might be a lot sooner than we think.
  18. Losing Cam Smith is not good for the Tour. The thing is though, the Tour is what made Cam Smith. And when he’s gone, another 25 year old who worked his ass off and played the KFT and the opposite field events will win a British Open or The Masters. He’ll rise in the OWGR, get all the sponsorships, an no one will even be thinking about Cam Smith. LIV is a very lucrative one-way ticket to irrelevance. For all their talk of growing the game, LIV hasn’t even made a token effort to set up a feeder league or relationships with junior / amateur golf. Competition is what creates great golfers, not money. Eventually the Saudis will tire of trying to pick off the good golfers at a nine-figure price tag and the whole thing will disappear into thin air.
  19. What red line? After all, this was just an accidental ammo explosion. Right?
  20. Glad to see the Russians fleeing Crimea like rats off a sinking ship.
  21. Manpower is one issue, but Russia is also running out of weapons. I seriously doubt that the NK deal with come through - not least of all because Kim knows half of them will surrender to the first non-Russian they see outside of NK. But if it does, are they just going to human wave attack? Or will they bring their own weapons?
  22. I like when they add “terrorist and murderer” to the Russian officer death announcements.
  23. The most important thing for civilians, by far, is that the Russian troops are prevented from advancing and eventually pushed back. And let’s not pretend that the Russians only fire on civilian infrastructure if Ukrainian troops are located there. They destroy schools and hospitals with indiscriminate artillery fire as a matter of doctrine. And then they rape and murder the civilians once they take control of the town. UA should use any and every structure needed to successfully defend their territory. Amnesty International can STFU.
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