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Auto Driller

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Everything posted by Auto Driller

  1. Re: Belarusian tanks Seems like an obvious bluff to try to keep Ukrainians from further concentrating their forces in the East/South, right? They couldn’t be stupid enough to launch an attack, right?
  2. Best update is from the Institute for the Study of War on twitter. Basically, Russia is making little to no advances and are losing ground around Kharkiv in the northeast. If Ukraine can successfully take this area, Russian troops in the Donbas will be largely cut off from resupply. Kherson is also being actively contested. The “all out offensive” by Russia is failing, to no one’s surprise.
  3. The final boss:
  4. I believe we could do that very legitimately. Chinas loyalty to the dollar is much stronger than Vladimir Putin. They don’t want nuclear war. If anything, it benefits them more for Russia to be defeated so they can feed on the carcass. If we threaten, they will not do business with Russia.
  5. Ask yourself this - would we, given the resources available to any football staff at UT, have produced worse results what we have experienced over the last decade. I’d argue the answer is no.
  6. I’ve said it from day one - whoever has more Precambrian metamorphosed sedimentary rocks rich in iron ore is going to win this in the end.
  7. It would make sense that Putin launched an ill advised invasion and refuses to back down even in the face of mounting losses if he feels like he’s going to die or become incapacitated soon and needs to cement his legacy before then.
  8. I personally don’t give a fuck that we didn’t have anyone drafted. I wasn’t operating under the illusion that we had a bunch of talented upperclassmen on the roster.
  9. If he wants total war, we can oblige.
  10. Oh no, not the end use restrictions!!1!
  11. CNN got high on their own supply. In the grand scheme of things, a cable channel with 500k daily viewers is pretty unimportant.
  12. “Card pressured by Jett Bush” 🤮
  13. Ewers has definitely missed some throws today. I still like him better than Card but he’s got some work to do, as should be expected for a guy who hasn’t played in a while.
  14. Offense and defense have both shown flashes of goodness (not greatness) today. It’s probably the most encouraging spring game I’ve seen for quite a while.
  15. We have a real TE. I can’t believe it.
  16. One hopeful sign is that our corners don’t play 10 yards off the ball every play anymore. Maybe only like 50% of the time. Baby steps.
  17. Roschon is going to be drafted. He’s a beast.
  18. Actually a great throw for Card. Credit where credit is due.
  19. Congratulations on the starting job, Quinn.
  20. We really need Ochaun Mathis. Pass rush sucks.
  21. Russians will not set foot in Odessa.
  22. It’s basically a big “fuck you” to Putin. Let’s see how much of a tough guy he is when it’s time to risk an actual conflict vs NATO.
  23. No way the kid on the far right in that picture is older than 16.
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