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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Mdhorn

  1. One day real soon, turnip’s going to take the podium and issue a laughing fuck you. And the republicans will all stand and clap, which is what they’ve been doing every time. Then putin’ll put his leader back on and dog walk him back to air force one, where they’ll fly off to Moscow, and all but turnip bangs Melania the entire flight home. Now will be turnips time to clap, because he hasn’t seen her naked in over a decade. And that’s the sunset ride I hope they all take, into a flaming crater since the plane was inspected by real American recently fired airline workers with no oversight or air traffic control.
  2. So, they voted to cut something they were taking based on the perception that other darker skinned individuals were also receiving. This one's gonna sting, probably a lot harder than the darker skinned individuals that also have access to more jobs since they, checks notes, live in a city. Should have checked their racism at the door, but that meant more than their children.
  3. It's a phony wannabe troll. I did the wrong thing and fed it. Put it on ignore and let it starve for attention. I mean, you gotta wonder about someone that views multiple indictments of fraud and rape as a winning strategy vs someone that prosecuted against those sorts of heinous acts. The criminals trunip's letting off for offenses against children is another strategy for some too.
  4. Only one candidate was asked for their taxes and plans and actually questioned seriously by all groups. ALL GROUPS. Crazy, that she was expected to court and express plans for both the Israelis and Palestinians, Christians and Muslims, billionaire rich and middle class, educated and non educated, and on and on. The other could make word salad, jack off a microphone, strand his followers, threaten the media/opposition/minorities/women/poor/police, just no rules and no consequences. One had to compete, participate in all of the events, and in the end, they gave the medal to the bloated, turrets yelling, criminal in the parking lot. Post election, I heard a lot of she didn't do enough to convince us. Like wtf was she supposed to do? Multiple bankruptcies, pending cases and guilty verdicts including fraud and rape, broken marriages, military deferments...he campaigned on being able to shoot somebody and not just get away with it, get elected. He left the economy in the shitter after his first time around. But I guess that was all part of the winning strategy for you.
  5. The worst will come from the neighbors that you trusted. Anybody that voted MAGA is for sale, because of the pain they're experiencing. If it'll curry favors, it's a foregone conclusion. They were in it for others pain, not their own. So anything that will relieve their self inflicted burn will suffice.
  6. So she voted against her rights as a female living in a Democracy because she'd be better off as a Republican, baby carrying, middle class US Forest Service worker? Leopards ate. Next, let's see how the leopards feel about unemployment. Tell me princess, are you better off today than you were two months ago? You should have known when they laid off a bunch of National Park Rangers and workers his first presidency, but some ignored his actions, words, threats and now are eating the shit he promised. It's almost like there was a manifesto or something...hmm, some kind of project prophecy that foretold their intentions. If only one could get a hold of something like that in the digital Information Age.
  7. Is this another backyard concert? Can I subscribe to your newsletter? I will say this for the times—nothing springs the arts quite like depression and anxiety. And the times are ripe for picking. I look forward to some good music and visuals soon. Or maybe just mushrooms.
  8. Great now do mental health and elderly people working until they die since there's no retirement.
  9. And pray about balancing the budget, otherwise known as more tax cuts for the rich.
  10. It would get us fake poll numbers, fake unemployment numbers, fake economic biggly numbers and fake everything else except consumer receipts.
  11. Carville seems fine with democrats letting trump implode—gives him a month. I think JC jumped the shark awhile back, but can still be a fun listen/read. https://www.yahoo.com/news/james-carville-makes-bold-prediction-223752694.html James Carville predicted that President Donald Trump’s White House team will “collapse” in less than a month. He advised Democrats to simply sit back and watch it happen “We’re in the midst of a collapse. This is the lowest approval—not even close—that any president has ever had at a comparable time,” Carville said. “It’s going to be easy pickings here in six weeks. Just lay back.” On Saturday, Trump attacked Carville after the strategist got testy with Sean Hannity on Fox News, questioning the network’s facts when it came to the president’s popularity. “I’m reading these polls saying the Democrats are 13 points up in the congressional generic, that Donald Trump has the lowest approval rating of any president at this point in his presidency in American history,” Carville said on Hannity’s show. “So, your viewers are getting one view. And I’m reading another view. One of us is right and one of us is wrong. It’s that simple. Have they got fact checkers at Fox?”
  12. Some West Virginiians were all for it at one time, since more libs were buying property in west Virginia and they felt threatened that it might turn blue, similar to northern Virginia.
  13. Mdhorn

    My dog died

    I’m kinda torn. When my pups pass, I also don’t want them to stay dogs that have to serve me forever. I’d like to think they somehow graduate to a higher life form and get released so we can have a toast somewhere. But then I’d also always miss them when they went their way. Or maybe they just go where you believe and that’s all that matters. To all those that have gone before, and to all those loyal waggers to the end, we forever solute you, for all the treasures you brought daily. You galant knights of the realm, go peacefully to chase whatever fancies you now have with the sky as your limit.
  14. Ok, last one out turn off the lights, or don’t. Maybe leave the stove on with the pilot light out and a metal rod in the microwave set to 10 minutes. But I’d motor, or you’ll soon fly.
  15. Did the same. Froze my credit on all credit agencies but that may not matter anyways, since fraud is now the rule and not the exception. Also, who are you going to call if you’ve been defrauded? Defunded Consumer protective agencies and FDIC?
  16. Reminds me of the union guys voting for the anti union party. Makes no sense but leopards gotta eat, and they're next on the menu.
  17. Those look like the faces of trumps soon to be Capitol police anti corruption gang/unit.
  18. They voted for the monkey to shit in their beer this go around and take their car keys in addition to their wallets. This go around is way worse because the monkey vowed to be worse and do more damage and they all agreed sure thing.
  19. What are they gonna do about it now? The time to vote may just be over and they can barely wobble, much less run and take cover in their dream war scenarios. They willingly took us to the edge of the cliff and are frightened we may go over? That democracy experiment they played chicken with, how’s it working out?
  20. I've been birding with a university entomologist that spoke in front of Congress, and he then and now stated we're amidst a mass extinction. Enjoy what you got while you got 'em.
  21. Well, we got these islands of trash rising in our major oceans and waterways. We start taking wildflower seeds and maybe some saplings for the bigger islands and say these trees are fruit bearing …I know who wants to eat trash fruit, but if we add fertilizers and pesticides, these trees could get bigger and bear even more fruit…
  22. The tech bros didn’t like being told to check their sources and flag deliberate misinformation. They call Russian propaganda free speech. He’d watch the explosion, and then promptly press the next button.
  23. If the advice being given is to ignore the courts, elections aren’t a concern.
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