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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Mdhorn

  1. Rs never use the slippery slope argument for more guns would create more homicides and/or more AR-15s would create even more mass shootings. Nope, the slippery slope argument only slides the way of if they start taking away ARs, where will they stop? Because Rs love guns and winning hypothetical gun right's arguments more than the lives of their actual, very real children that they were supposed to swear to protect. They didn't--they failed them, horribly. So horribly were their failures, that they can't even hold an open casket service. That's how bad the pro gun argument failed to protect their children. But hey, those slippery slope gun rights arguments are holding solid. And that prayer game is doing something, somewhere, I have to believe, or mass shootings would stop. How's the wild pig population coming--are they winning that yet?
  2. I don't think his supporters can even follow his trail of broken brained logic. They're all--Whatever he says. Grab 'em by the pussy equates to He's the Messiah to that fucked up crowd of schizophrenic, rape enabling, charlatan, christians. They don't ask questions for those with an R next to their name. The R can stand for Rape and they're fine with it. This should cut deep but it won't--they gave away their souls long ago. One of these days, it'll be harvest time and they'll get back what they sowed. And even then, it may be beyond mattering. Just look at Uvalde.
  3. Wait till it snows or better yet, ices. The roads should be nice and blocked.
  4. So, in summation, Pancho gave you reasons, a few--there are a lot more, but ones that he expounded on and your reply is to use no actual supporting argument except to hurl massa and soft serve insults? This is weak, and lazy. Low hanging fruit is mindless insulting. Either do better or sit this one out until you can. If you supported Trump but can't support Biden from what you believe is a racist slight 30 years ago, what are your thoughts on the Central Park Five? Think Donald spoke his mind on them at length-seems to have a lot to say about minorities in general, just have to listen. But if your reply is more name calling because there's no defense for actual racism, spare the board empty tantrums. Candice Owens gets paid to play a minority prop for semi veiled oppression. What's your excuse?
  5. Only way to test is to nail her to a cross and after taking her down, see if she rises. If she does, then she's probably yeast.
  6. While treading water, a buddy and I watched an 8 footer swim up and under us, so close we could see the remoras clinging to him as it passed beneath us. And by tread water, meant barely move. But had the same thought, not going to attract attention. Absolutely nothing we could do since we were too far out and no way we could swim to escape so didn't even try. Beautiful sight I'd prefer to never see again.
  7. Those talons. Someone looks like they just got their nails done.
  8. When Desantis loses to Trump, he'll double down on cruelty to gays and blacks in Florida. His thing is to make the liberals pay, and since he's a bully, the rest is bullying trickle down. Yep, just Googled and read the stuff out there on this as a reminder that I wasn't crazy and did remember this accurately--and it's frightening.
  9. I'm genuinely concerned about Republicans imposing voting restrictions. It may not bring Trump back, but it has allowed them to get their own in Federal and state offices. I think the whole Harris County election situation, Georgia Republicans trying to oust the Georgia prosecutor and SCOTUS bullshit is all scary as hell. The popular vote doesn't seem to matter for much. Trump was the Trojan horse that Republicans needed to break the system and institute their own.
  10. How the fuck do independents support this piece of shit? Are these independent voters just complete morons? I have a difficult time understanding what more Independents need to see at this point. Unless Trump comes to the town hall dragging a dead body, I don't see how they haven't seen his trail of slime from several years ago and thought, this is a mistake. The only thing I can understand is that people have invested money into outcomes he's creating so that they personally benefit. Are they Independents--sure, some are. But I can't see who else would still be riding the fence.
  11. What gets me about all this is his ability to get free publicity--always campaigning at no charge. Others have to pay for their ads, and he just says stupid shit repeatedly that get's him invited back to expound on. It's insane. He's a political Charles Manson.
  12. At any point regarding election fraud, she could have stated that court would've been the place to prove it, and he went 0-62 when evidence was required. It's not complicated.
  13. There's no shortage of guns--including the left. It's not difficult to get a gun, there's certainly no IQ test--just need money. If you want one, go buy one.
  14. Have a bunch of images to post but will start with an Otter sequence:
  15. Gottdam that's some sweet, clean bullshit free, proof driven accusations. "The court has conclusively proven that it cannot police itself." And this is a direct condemnation of Chief Justice Roberts. How can you allow your fellow justices, to allow this travesty to erode the court that you preside as Chief Justice? Or rather, are you on the take, too?
  16. Quick surmise of a lot revealed already: https://www.yahoo.com/news/supreme-court-under-fire-following-what-critics-say-is-a-wave-of-ethical-lapses-211130609.html Not that any of this matters, this crop of SCOTUS judges isn't going to create ethic rules, because doing so would mean they are unethical and the first justices historically in need of one, and an asterisk to their legacy. And by doing so, it would be a public admission, which would cast doubt on their rulings. They could do it in a way that signifies they are trying to assuage public concerns, but again, they won't. Although Clarence has shown he is no novice to being unethical already, equating to yet another reason for him personally to have oversight. Of course a committee to investigate would then be subject to Republicans subjugating it as another tool to damage democracy, and purge the SCOTUS of Democrats. And replacing judges should be easier since they aren't elected.
  17. This is their new birth certificate. Their guy, however, will never take an IQ test, because we know he'd be lucky to make 90.
  18. SiriusXM NYC studios in 2014. (not my photo)
  19. If it's educational about how society operates in relation to gender, then we agree. My fear is labeling followed by know your roles. Hopefully, I'm just overly skeptical.
  20. I'd keep them around. They're creepy looking but keep bugs (slugs, beetles, snails) down, in addition to ticks. They're also good at digesting dead plant matter, killing snakes and mice.
  21. That was another point in the University of Dallas Dean of Students Rules that made me cringe: 4. We need to get the built environment right. No one flourishes in a drab institutional building isolated with a narrow age group. Such a building can never have memory, never have mentorship, never have living traditions. Instead, we need beautiful dorms with multi-age communities—plenty of freshmen, yes, but also well-chosen upperclassmen, graduate students, and even young professors and their families. Younger students can see how a life can be lived two years, five years, even twenty years into the future. (Something of this sort happens on our Rome campus, where professors and their families, twenty-something Rome Coordinators, and students all live together, travel together, eat together, play and pray together.) And of course, this system goes back to the great Oxbridge colleges of the past, in which “dons” lived with layers of different students. In such an environment, students learn hospitality, adult encounter, and yes, adult suffering (and thus misericordia).
  22. I just don't understand why the small government folks care about the sex lives of others so much. Society is fully against the underage stuff, but the consensual adult relationship stuff is none of their damn business. And for some reason, that's an affront to them.
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