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Everything posted by Trey3216

  1. Guessing it does not feel good
  2. Your dad sold it to the local mortuary who gave it to people who believed their loved ones remains were in the urns. The real question is what happened to the bodies...?
  3. Finley probably jumped in the bunker hoping to dodge all the missile strikes directed at the front office.
  4. Special Edition? Apparently she thought he was a King Ranch edition for sure.
  5. I'm not confusing price and rate by any means. Continued 'elevated' inflation, even at a lower rate, following a multi-year period of high inflation deepens the effects of the inflation. The compounding effect. It's the same reason that most of your retirement savings will be the $$ you contributed years/decades ago
  6. Lol. I know full well what the fuck it is.
  7. Because now you're moving the goalposts again. "It's temporary/transitory! Trust me" 3 years later "Maybe it's just prolonged but at least it's coming down a bit!!" "Higher prices don't matter!!! We're not in deflation!" C'mon man.
  8. Now do the compounding effect of years worth of elevated inflation on prices of goods.
  9. "Tell him about the cyclists...." -Winston Zeddemore
  10. It wasn't the neighborhood at that point. It was determined that it had started as a high speed chase (dude running had stolen some shit from the other guy) that had lasted for nearly an hour. Thief dude wrecked his car on a main road near our neighborhood, took to foot trying to get away, ran himself into a cul-de-sac.....BOOM BOOM...
  11. First time for me was when I was 4 years old. Dude was running through my neighborhood and a car was chasing him. Our street was a cul-de-sac dead end, and we were the last house. Dude ran onto our driveway (this is around 9PM) and we hear 2 gunshots and a car screaming away. Me and Dad go outside to find running man on our driveway with one in the chest and one previously in the forehead...I say previously because the back of his head and his brains were all over the place. Dad was like "ehhh, let's go back inside son"
  12. It's quite possible to do that, even in today's market. I'd talk to an advisor and see what they're all about. See what kind of strategy they have for your goals. See if it's a strategy they currently use and how that strategy is working. It's quite possible that an advisor could get you somewhere in that range of return net of fees if they know what they're doing and have a plan. It all comes down to time for you. Is it worth your time to research/manage/change when you need to/etc to go it alone, or is it worth your money to pay someone to do it for you, or is there some combination of the two that would work best?
  13. She probably tasted like hickory smoke, which could be adverse depending on the day.
  14. I'm just happy Disney+ put a bunch of the old Mickey shorts on there a while back. For some reason, my little ones love Steamboat Willie and a bunch of the old 'uns.
  15. The big thing with Japan is that they've had negative rates for so long that the net retiring Japanese citizen actually owns a bunch of US debt via the carry trade. -BoJ issues debt, countered by an equivalent purchase of US Treasuries (they actually make money hand over fist on this) -Japanese citizen has to start liquidating investments to fund retirement, some of their money is tied to US treasuries via BoJ bonds -BoJ sells Treasuries to raise cash and buy back their own bonds.
  16. Now tell us about the soccer...
  17. We really should be trying to figure a way to shore things up with Japan. Our debt owned by Japan is far more damaging than that owned by China.
  18. Here's a March update from SSGA that I got earlier...
  19. It is and it isn't. There's a lot going on right now. Some bad with good intent and some good with good intent.
  20. Another advisor friend sent me this yesterday.... per one of their major analysts.... The market is oversold, but we feel that we may not have seen the bottom yet. We are approximately 40% in cash, and we are looking for opportunities when the HCM Pivot Point® system brings us back into the market. This is the fifth fastest 10% correction of the S&P 500 in 75 years. Drops like this have a very strong tendency to be a huge overreaction. Big disruptions like we are experiencing with the tariff issue can create big opportunities, and we think this selloff is a big overreaction. If you look back at the other selloffs, they based and moved higher in short order. The stock market was higher at 1M, 3M, 6M and 12M later: 5 of 6 times, higher 1M later (except covid) 6 of 6 times, higher 3M later, median gain 9% 6 of 6 times, higher 6M later, median gain 15% 6 of 6 times, higher 12M later, median gain 21%
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