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Everything posted by Trey3216

  1. Nonfarm payroll revised lower by 818,000 for the 12 month period through Mar 2024.
  2. And for the vast majority of people paying LT Cap gains rate, they are able to use that rate because they've already spent money paying for employees, paying for portions of employees' healthcare benefits, paying for equipment, paying for vehicles and insurance on them, paying for insurance on their business, paying for accountants to file their taxes, paying for utilities to keep the lights on at home and at the office, and for all that paying....they are benefited to a Cap gains distribution tax rate which is basically the equivalent to LT cap gains rate. I guess we should ask them to pay more so your fee fees don't get twirled.
  3. And there were articles on a site not to be mentioned that rhymes with Hero Sledge several days ago about that. Fun times!
  4. You don’t have your black pepper ratio down properly
  5. IF you go to room 112, she'll bring 4 friends
  6. True... But failed lobbyists and impressionable coeds do as much talking as anyone, and they hear shit from their friends that run the circles in Adam's Morgan and Crystal City....and don't give a shit enough to keep it down.
  7. Yep...the bars in Foggy Bottom are ripe with information at happy hour. Grab an Old Fashioned and sit and listen to what people are talking about. I could open up a hedge fund shop based on overheard conversations between lackeys in Washington.
  8. I said "basically" motherfucker!!! lol Fucking literal shit. 3-5 days all summer over 105 with likely around 15-23 days over 100 for the summer.....I'll take that shit every time.
  9. It's basically the first day and last day of 105+ temps for almost everyone in the state. It sucks ass, but I'm well aware of TX in August. It's just when it's late May - Oct that really sucks the life out of you.
  10. At least I basically just filled up. The landscape crew that had taken up the 2 pumps on either side of me filled up 2 trucks, God knows how many gas cans, and at least 6 ZTR mowers.
  11. Driving home for lunch and I notice the Valero not far from my office must be having some sort of stroke level malfunction on its gas prices. I zip over 2 lanes to turn in there and check it out. pulled up to the pump, put the card and pin in, and was highly gruntled that I was able to beat the man today. not to mention, I used the upside app and got a $.02 cash back offer, so those fuckers got to pay me for filling up the truck.
  12. Sell some. Buy some puts to protect the rest, and buy some calls to participate in any crazy upside if it is successful.
  13. Trey3216


    Me prepping for the tailgate prior to this shittastic pile.....
  14. I’d bet this one is on 25 of the 769 pages
  15. Trey3216


    Not sure where to put this…. But what in the actual fuck is this fuckery. Nic Fucking Cage…..as John Madden…!!!!??? https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/nicolas-cage-to-play-john-madden-1235976155/ https://media2.giphy.com/media/FAYVdONl9am40nLz0o/giphy.gif?cid=9b38fe91mubooz3ocogdqmd4a70e8iokjaggl9zryeopt4uw&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g
  16. Bill Belichick and Bob Costas’ asexual lovechild Pat????
  17. It's also maddening as shit that we'll almost certainly have some rogue front blow threw about August 27th and dump rain somewhere and drive all the fucking dove to South Texas, but then immediately be 104 and wet ground humid on Sept 1.
  18. That gap between Bob Bradley and Gergg is wider than South Austin's mom's Grand Canyon
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