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Everything posted by Trey3216

  1. Especially since the kids came along, I no longer cook 225. I'm a 300 fan through and through now. I build my bed of coals with Mesquite Charcoal and mesquite logs. Then as the cook goes along, I move into my post oak. If I'm adding any ribs or poultry in the last several hours, it'll be split 50/50 with oak and pecan. So my briskets will always have started with mesquite, moved to oak, and sometimes get a little pecan thrown in the mix.
  2. Captainant will be pissed there aren't geofences that drop your UberAir like a stone if you get too close to one of the windmills.
  3. Perhaps the city shouldn't have allowed traffic so close to it...
  4. And the long end of the curve is isn't much better...
  5. It's merely an example. Hell, most military base perimeters are primarily chain link fencing. Most gas stations only have bollards at either end of the fuel pump with 10-15 feet in between where the pump actually sits. Let's start a bollard war against every small time business owner who doesn't have enough bollards or only employs chain link fence. Yes, I'm being hyperbolic, but the absurdity of it is equivalent to your wanton blame-casting....which is of no surprise.
  6. Since the pipeline predated the homes being built, perhaps the developer should be at fault for not paying ETP to put up bollards around the valve in the middle of the field. I mean, they have to pay to put in streets and and water lines and other such shit. Shouldn't the be a consideration. And Captainant, guess what guards every wind turbine you see on the horizon....
  7. Trey3216

    USMNT 2024

  8. I almost went there as well, but figured I'd just lob the grenade into the campfire instead.
  9. Toropets sounds like an anime series on Netflix.
  10. I'm particularly fond of the front yard walkway light as a wall lamp.
  11. Now just start hitting the vodka distilleries.
  12. The HEB serrano is much better. All the goodies without the distinct taste of shitty preservatives. And $1 or so cheaper.
  13. Shit...I live here and had no idea that was there. But that's Beverly Hills....not Waco. lulz
  14. Helberg-Waco
  15. What...with your Dago mustache and your greasy hair!! .gif
  16. This was boneless/skinless breast chunks that I’d normally pan fry for such a dish. They turned out damn good. I’ve done thighs a bunch of times in it and they come out great. Also have done wings. One of my favorite things to do is take a bunch of wings and smoke them…then air fry them for about 10-12 minutes on 400. Crisps the skin up perfectly (also will sauce them prior to and after the air fryer on occasion)
  17. I was pIssued at the wife for a bit because she had opened a package of sun dried tomatoes and not put them in the fridge. So that was one thing that also was gonna be in this dish. But it tasted great. Chicken was juicy (first time I’ve done it with a dish like that in the air fryer, usually par fry in a pan then bake to finish), and just enough sauce to make it not sloppy…leftovers were good today too. Thanks man!
  18. We ended up getting about an inch or so of rain last night around 6-7. Definitely needed after the suffocating humidity of Saturday evening.
  19. Air fried chicken over lemon/creme/butter/spinach sauce risotto.
  20. Aubrey Plaza for breakfast/lunch/dinner....
  21. Picked up 10k shares of IBRX at 3.55. Let's roll!!
  22. .....and of course the fucking production audio for the entire opening statements was out. Good God USSF.
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