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Everything posted by Trey3216

  1. Freddyburg been getting bombarded for about 10 hours straight. Just crazy dump of rain, right on the worst drought stricken part of the state
  2. fallin' on my head like a new emotion
  3. You know you've shit the bed when Rimbo admits this show is absolute shit.
  4. 'Cause what's a hero?
  5. Their normal salsa looks the same in the bowl and the toilet bowl. it is absolute shit.
  6. Clint Howard plays him when they make the movie!
  7. But we got it after the right wing bastion that is Colorado.
  8. Not gonna spike the football yet, but the odds are looking pretty heavily in my favor right now.
  9. I assure you 19th street in Waco is far, far worse.
  10. Heard Bascik on 105.3 while I was driving to lunch talking how it could be in the next 1.5-2 weeks. Just waiting for go from the x-rays and MRI's of the injured area.
  11. Seems that being a superstar in soccer requires one to both be an absolutely God-gifted athlete as well as being tactically brilliant. You can't teach God-gifted talent, but you can teach tactics. It's really damn hard for Ted Williams or Barry Bonds to teach players why they can recognize a pitch 15x faster than an all-star caliber player. It's really damn hard for Michael Jordan to teach someone how to absolutely push themselves to the physical and mental limit every practice.
  12. I have a huge supply of dino nuggies, 3 & 2 yr old kids and what not.
  13. I like cilantro ranch just fine. On salads, sandwiches, stuff that is deep fried that involves bacon (crazy wings at George's with cilantro sauce for instance). I just don't like chips and ranch.
  14. The chips and salsa at Chili's is better than Chuy's. That shouldn't happen at a "Tex-Mex" place. Do you eat your Dino Chicky Nuggies with your crack?
  15. Good, now I'll be able to tell my wife that I really really am never going there again. I've only ever liked their hatch chili sauce enchiladas to begin with. Their salsa, aka watery pico, is fucking gross and I'm not one to go to a place just to eat cilantro ranch "sauce".
  16. There's nothing I can say
  17. Lavrov can laude all he wants, but that ain't what would happen.
  18. Walking Dead: Vuhledar
  19. Watching them fly like an eagle? The mental anguish from drone strikes has to be an albatross on their mind.
  20. That's what friends are for. And when you're lost.....
  21. "And here I will spread my wings. Yes I will call this home"
  22. We did the 'take a sip every time someone says Dude or Fuck in The Big Lebowski'. If you're not ready to drink an 18 pack in 1.5 hours, I'd advise against it.
  23. It was nice to see him actually take some consistent, smooth swings for the first time in a while. Maybe he'll be the one guy who the derby actually helps get him back on track in the second half.
  24. I'd let her break a few of my ribs with those legs wrapped around me.
  25. Which maroon SRrrrC SRrrC truck was yours in the parking lot?
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