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Everything posted by Trey3216

  1. Holy shit that’s incredible
  2. Ahem.....Ron....Ahem
  3. Wife and I watched it last night after the kids went to bed. Apparently, she liked it enough to get naked and want some sexy time. That's good enough for me to enjoy it. That aside. I thought it was a fun summer popcorn flick. Thought Powell was pretty hilarious and showed he does have some solid acting chops. Bix was an absolute smoke show. Scarface dude from Walking Dead was pretty solid as a deadbeat, crooked cop. I'd give it a 7.5 in terms of something fun, new, and mildly original.
  4. Area between Belton and Georgetown got throttled this morning
  5. But if she does Dallas, we'll all be out of the drought.
  6. This thread only needed 2 posts. Well done
  7. He's played more minutes this season than any since 2016.
  8. Oh no doubt. The short sellers 4 years ago weren’t wrong about GME. It was a functionally bankrupt company. Now, the shorts did get way too greedy. Why continue holding a short position in a stock that was trading at 4? the infinite gamma squeeze was a mathematical function on market disequilibrium. But the company is not worth investing in.
  9. Dude is turbofucked. You can bet the likes of BlackRock and Goldman will make sure those options expire worthless even if they have to take a puppynuts loss.
  10. He’s having a pretty tough day today
  11. THey smoke the chicken and then when you order it, they flash fry it to crisp up the skin. It's absolutely fantastic
  12. THey can say what they want, but for me, the Arc de Triomphe is ours. The scenes of American tanks rolling through it when Paris was liberated was all I need to see.
  13. 2:26:00 is where "Blood on the Risers" comes in.
  14. I’m searching all over the place for it but can’t find it yet.
  15. 17:25 on the local broadcast I posted if you want to watch it. Fuck me.
  16. Go back about 11 minutes on this one...
  17. God damnit I'm in my office crying my eyes out right now. They just had the French Military choir sing "What a helluva way to die!"
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