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Everything posted by Trey3216

  1. cuz Takin' care a bidness is His name...
  2. We talkin about Wilford or Moesha reruns??
  3. Figured out my plans. In Waco... We have 4:12 of totality. Starting at 13:38:02 and ending at 13:42:14. At approximately, 11:30, I'm gonna pop 1/2 a gummy. At exactly 12:59:24, I'm firing up "Dark Side of the Moon" Eclipse will start in the middle of totality, and finish precisely at the last second of totality. I will probably add the other half gummy somewhere around 1:15, along with a cocktail or two. I will be like Bingo (Bluey) staring at the sun in an out of body experience by the time Brain Damage and Eclipse hit, and I'll enjoy every second of it.
  4. Too bad JosephStang isn't around anymore to let is in how the theory of everything could help this bridge build itself, at faster than lightspeed, without regard to mathematics.
  5. "You want a bridge? I can get you a bridge. I can get you a bridge by 3:00 this afternoon, with fucking pylon guards" Good to know you're always on the case Hloby.
  6. The episode of McKenzie going into the black hole damn near made me cry. He gets to the other side as a young McKenzie and is crying for his mom. Calypso tells him she's "right over there, don't be afraid. Now you don't have to keep coming back to this place because you know she's there" -like a sledge hammer....Had to explain to the wife that McKenzie's mom had passed away when he was young, and he's going back to that place to find her. Got Damn
  7. -Big Blue guy -ending sentences with "Baaaaaabe" in the bluey/bingo voice -Not just yet -Hooray!! when we tell them we're doing something countless other sayings as well have entered their vernacular. Cracks me up everytime.
  8. Yep. I have a glass break tool in both mine and my wife's vehicles. Sounds silly, but especially after having kids, this is pure nightmare fuel that I think of everytime I cross a bridge with more than decent span.
  9. I've been closely monitoring the Wyatt Langford card market. Even 2 weeks ago, there was some solid stuff out there at gettable prices. Right now, it's slim pickens and the prices have shot through the roof. Kid is going to be special.
  10. Trey3216

    USMNT 2024

    What a beautiful night last night! Gergg still sucks ass, but what a beautiful couple goals from the guys. ...and the grass field, albeit a bit slow playing, actually looked really damn good this time at JerruhWorld. That's a big deal.
  11. I know a guy if you need to patch that hole in the sheet rock.
  12. I bet Will pegs to differ.
  13. It would be pretty badass to be at Niagra Falls during a Total Solar Eclipse. Wish I had thought of that a few years ago.
  14. I'm not the one talking about "bullets in heads" because I have a similar name, chickenfucker.
  15. I'm no such person, and I don't know who the fuck that is. But bring it bitch. I'll bank hand you with my left hand and watch your bitch lips bleed while you go wash your mouth out in the nearest public restroom you insane, homeless fuckface. And while you're washing your mouth out, I'll piss on your blanket.
  16. This chicken fucker gets pissed about getting called out for his no mathematics ass and goes off on a tangent on another message board.
  17. You rewrote it using quantum physics words, but not quantum physics mathematics. Therefore, like I said earlier..."You ain't found shit"
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