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Everything posted by Trey3216

  1. Had a delicious sliced brisket and sausage sangwich from Helberg today. Didn't even have time to get pics. Just as good as it always has been.
  2. Nice fucking CR journey there. Thanks. I wonder if Captain Jello Time is doing all he can to not be cast as a warmonger. The wait and see trickle down on supplying Ukraine seems to show that.
  3. Here's how no holding penalties get called on Micah......
  4. That should have happened as well, yes.
  5. "They're not really his children. They're the Little Lebowski Urban Achievers- inner city children of promise but without the necessary means for necessary means for a higher education." "I'm gonna go get the papers...get the papers."
  6. That’s incredible!
  7. He looks like a full size Verne Troyer (an alive one at least)
  8. 300 is the Affliction of movies
  9. Just did some prime NYStrips and Ribeyes this year instead of Prime Rib like usual. Didn’t even take before pics because I thought I was cooking them at M-I-L’s house but had to drive my ass back to my house to cook them and then bring them over. But damnit if they didn’t come out beautiful.
  10. Well, dude is used to carrying the ball (not this season) he just didn't secure the handoff. Averaged about 90 carries/season in college.
  11. Of all the full fucking regard posts I’ve ever read on the internet….this was one of them.
  12. Sucker… next year’s a leap year
  13. A “how to avoid hot flashes” book should do nicely.
  14. Got the DMN hard bound Rangers WS book, some WS Champions dress socks and some other cool little items.
  15. Took me almost 2 hours to put together a kitchen last Christmas. Shit sucked. This year was an “industrial fashion closet” with no instructions or pictures and about 100 pieces, a toddler bed that is a complete pain in the ass to connect together.
  16. And he’ll quit on the field the minute his team needs him. Keep fucking that chicken
  17. Where’s the chloroform? Might need that to keep from typing stuff
  18. ▶️ Watch this reel https://www.facebook.com/reel/1134630880831153?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V&mibextid=BEbBxM
  19. And when the market melts down, they’ll own and realize most of the losses. When 90% of your wealth is tied up in stocks, that shit tends to happen.
  20. 14.99/lb here. No sales on the meats in CenTex at H‑E‑B
  21. I'm kind of pissed that I've seen people at the Frisco HEB getting $4.99/lb rib roast deals. Have never, ever seen any shit like that in Central Texas.
  22. Fuck that
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