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Everything posted by Trey3216

  1. We have the hand basket and the push basket for our girls. Our oldest (3), threw an absolute shit fit one day because we wouldn't let her bring her red toy HEB pushcart into the store. They make great gifts for little kids when you don't know what the hell to get them.
  2. We always used to joke around about sending some weed brownies to the booth and addressing it from "Thelma in Quinlan" or "Melba in Forney" or some shit. Never got around to it. Would've been hilarious to hear stoned out of their brains Grieve and Lewin.
  3. Yolanda looks like a bunch of the Astros fans I saw the other night at The Globe.
  4. I'm talking about some chickenhawk Astros fan that was walking out of the game the other night that is as described. But it fits Maldonado too.
  5. You would have had 2-3 on every row if you went to the game last night apparently.
  6. Their smug ass fans saying shit like "it's cute that y'all made it a series", and the fat menudo bowl motherfucker walking out of the stadium friday night screaming "We Want Houston" in little kids' faces and what not...Fuck them! They deserve to take alllllllll the length.
  7. He worked all offseason on his English. Did his first full English interview earlier this season with Emily Jones. His interpreter was there with him, and he put up the arm and said I got this and just went with it with Emily. She was jawdropped and gave him a big hug afterward and nearly had tears about "how proud she was of him and how good his English was" Was a pretty cool moment.
  8. I guess Houston is gonna use a new pitcher every inning now
  9. You’ve seen one, you’ve seen ‘em all
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