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Everything posted by Trey3216

  1. The El Gallo habanero is badass.
  2. Don't forget the Giants have also played in 3 Super Bowls since then (winning 2 of course), and between our other 2 main NFC rivals, there's another 5 Super Bowls and 1 win.
  3. That Stonk stonk stonk stonk stonk...
  4. Is that you, John Wayne? Is this me?
  5. And people are talking about getting PE involved in College Athletics....
  6. I have a strong suspicion that you are seeing Stephen run the show right now. That's why the constant "pieces of pie" and "sound decisions" and "up against the cap" crap we keep hearing about. Jerry almost certainly wanted Deion. Stephen has wrestled control away from Dad and put the 'Boys on auto-cash print pilot.
  7. IBRX sold back under 3, then completely reversed to being up 4%. Could be an interesting afternoon.
  8. Trey3216


    Fun Ichiro fact. In his 3rd MLB game, Ichiro led off the game with a single raising his average to .300. He would play another 2560 MLB games. That was the last at bat of his career where his career average was below .300.
  9. Before we fully re-write history, remember what the current president's first predecessor repeatedly said about Russia and what was done 11 years ago that got the current ball rolling. Not really a firm leg to stand on.
  10. IBRX up another 9.5% today. If we can hit that $3.46 level, gap fill up to the $4.75 are will commence. Lot of good things on the docket for it, just need to stay strong.
  11. Yep, a lot of folks don't realize that you don't need to be uber-wealthy or even near the estate tax threshold to do some robust and smart planning. Trusts are coming back into relevance, and they can dictate who, when and how heirs receive $$. It's a tool we use quite often these days to keep/create generational $$ flowing.
  12. So you have prior experience...
  13. Unfortunately, Susanna is not around to comfort @Brisketexan... https://www.facebook.com/share/p/1DqQSeR6Ky/
  14. Who wants to see the equator this time of year anyway
  15. You sure she likes the snow and not the chocolate fondue?
  16. Finally a nice day for IBRX. Up 27% to $3.04.
  17. RIP Legend. He was baseball's equivalent of Bill Walton. Just an absolutely hilarious, down to earth dude. Damn.
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